12) Book

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(Lizzie's PoV)

We explained everything to Jen, mainly who 'Pat' really was and why we had to do what we did. She wasn't happy with us in the slightest. Before we left the island we let Jen go on the boat that brought her and Furious Destroyer to the island so she could collect her things. As we rode in the small boat, propelled by Scott using his powers over water, Jen was carefully holding a stone sword and running her hand over the flat of the blade.

We offered her food all of which she refused. She wouldn't talk or look at any of us. She was fragile right now, saying one wrong thing could of set her off. I could tell because I had the power to view other's emotions, but it was already evident to all of us by the silent tears that were dripping down her face.

Everyone in the Elite Guard had powers. I had the ability to read emotions. Joel, my boyfriend, had the power to control plants. Scott had control over water. Oli could shape-shift. And Seapeekay could control fire.

But the one thing that was confusing me about the whole situation was the fact the emotion I 'read' from Furious Destroyer when he and Jen were unaware of our presence was that he loved Jen. Even stranger was that Jen returned those feeling. I doubt they had told the other though. 

When we finally made it back to the castle I escorted Jen to her bedroom, while the others went to inform the queen of what happened. A few days passed and Jen still refused to eat or talk to anyone. I could tell she was heartbroken. All she would do was sit still and hold that stone sword, which we concluded had belonged to Furious Destroyer.

One day I went to the library to take out a book for Jen. She didn't request it, but I still thought I should get it for her. I knocked on the door to her room and then entered. She was thinner from the lack of food and looked at me oddly. It was like she was angry with me but still glad to see me. I sat next to her. 

"Look, I understand if you're angry with me, I-I ju-," I sighed," You can't keep starving yourself like this. I won't make him come back. I just thought I'd give you this," I said putting the book in her lap, "Please Jen, just take a look at it and think about what you're doing." I left the room and closed the door behind me.

I'm sorry I haven't been getting chapters out as often. School's been a bit over whelming lately. I'll try to get another chapter out later, but I can't make any promises.


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