Nov. 22, 2013

77 0 0


It's Lucy. Who else? no one else is here. I have hopes, but I'm not sure. I have some acquaintances recommending people for this. One especially has been particularly helpful.

I'm not that in to giving away personal info. Especially anything that would say who I am. So, really, you don't get much background on me. Sorry about that. I mean, I won't even tell you my real name. Why waste time on this?

today was a regular day. Suffered through school. Went to hang out with some friends for about an hour after. Read a book when I got home. Texted people. (well, one person. But we'll talk about that later)

today was more unusual cause I went to a play. some of my friends were in it and I promised I'd go to support them. 

I went with my best friend, my mom, my sister, and my boyfriend. I was pretty upset earlier over something stupid with my boyfriend. I get jealous easily when it comes to him. Mostly because I love him so much and I know he loves me, but i always think he's much too good for me and-

Sorry. I'm rambling. I do that a lot. I guess you'll have to get used to it. 

Or not. I really don't mind. I just need to vent. An acquaintance of mine suggested I should use this if I wanted to vent. I decided, of course, to make it into a charity thing.

that's it right now. 

Feelings: tired, lazy, depressed

~Lucy (in the sky)

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