Mar. 3, 2014

40 1 1

How are you doing?

I'm alright, thanks for asking.

Maybe i'm better than just alright.

I have a girlfriend now. A beautiful, amazing girl. I've known her for a while, and I'm so glad I can finally say she's my girlfriend.

Since I really like spoiling people and giving people presents, I spent $50 on her (shh don't tell her she's already annoyed at me for buying her stuff)

I won't say what I got her because she knows about this account and I think she suspects who I am. I wouldn't mind if she knew, but I do like anonymous. As we all know.

I got one of her presents engraved as well.

Yep, I'm that kind of girlfriend.

I like to think of myself as that type of friend too. I buy my friends a lot of things. Not so they like me, just because I like to do nice things for people a lot.

I think some people see it as me trying to show off.

I'm not. I just really like giving things.

Which is why I don't understand why people call me self centered and selfish. I don't think I am. But so many people have said it, I guess I must be. So I'll have to work on that.

I suppose this diary thing isn't going to help with that, but I like keeping it. And I suppose I'll need to talk about myself somewhere.

Oh well. 

I hope I can change. I don't want to be thought of as selfish. I try hard not to be. But I guess I am.

I must fix that.

Love, Lucy

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