November 27, 2013

50 1 3

Ooh, look! Lucy's updating early!

that's because i am doing nothing all day today. I have some thoughts now, so why not write now? i can always add to this, right?

i've been watching Aladdin. i dunno why. i like disney movies. i gotta hang on to childhood somehow.

i would love to be a disney princess. why wouldn't i? even one of those idiot princesses who do nothing and still find the love of their life.

don't get me wrong, i have the love of my life. but i wish things were like a disney movie so there was no more arguing, no more me getting jealous, no more lying or crying, no more ignoring each other for a few hours.

or maybe I don't wish we were like that. because when we make up, it's all worth it. that 'I'm sorry, I love you so much' is one of the things I live for. one of the tings I love.

it's so simple, too. a simple little sentence. 7 words. 21 letters. but it's a sentence that makes me so happy.

but sometimes, the fighting is too much. the jealousy overtakes me. I get too upset.

cause he's hurt me before. he broke up with me twice while i never stop loving him.

and i'm scared. yes, i admit it. The great Lucy is scared. i'm scared he'll leave me again because every day I see him talk to people I know he could fall in love with, people that are 1,000 times better than some freak.

so yes, disney movies are fuel for thoughts. and sometimes, i wish my thoughts would just shut up for a while.


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