November 28, 2013 (Part Two)

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Lookie here! Lucy's updating TWICE!! Wow!

the reason for this is because 'victoria' was over earlier and i couldn't write everything i felt. but i didn't want to not write, just in case i fell asleep or forgot. (it happens sometimes. the world is an imperfect place)

i got out my thoughts on thanksgiving. so this is going to be a normal lucy ramble.

you know, where i just ramble on about colors and disney princesses.

today, I am sherlock holmes. i like to think i'm quite smart. if my iq is correct, i'm a genius. and it's quite fun to be a genius. 


it gets hard. how can i be a normal person when i notice things i shouldn't? or when i figure out things i shouldn't.

it really isn't difficult though. anyone can be a genius. you just need to observe rather than just see.

you would be surprised how much i know. to me, anonymous is just a challenge. 

don't worry, all your secrets are very safe with me. i promise. i'm no common mouth.

and that is as modest as i get, ladies and gents.

oh, and a quick little note to Draven;

don't be afraid. just write. she wants you to. xx


(i'm debating if i want my full fake name to be Lucy Sky Diamonds [if you get it, good job] or if I want to be Lucy Lennon. [Again, if you get it, good])

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