June 2nd

24 1 1

It's time to come clean with you guys on something.

A while ago, my girlfriend told me she wanted to be my boyfriend; that she's transgender and wants to be a he.

I've been trying to deal with the change, and i think I'm coping really well. It honestly didn't effect me in the slightest, honestly.

I still love him for him. He's still my love. You see, gender isn't an issue with me. Gender isn't important to me. I love who I love, and it's as simple as that.

My boyfriend even has a story on here. I won't tell you if you're right or not, but feel free to ask! xD

He's coming to stay in 10 days now and I'm so excited i can barely hold it in.

I've been so happy lately, you guys. It's been so great.

But I don't think I can ever let this journal or this account go.

This is my baby, and I'm so proud of it.

You guys have no idea how much I love every single one of you. I honestly do. For being brave enough to post on this, for sharing your lives. I love every single one of you<3

Thank you.


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