Jan. 25, 2014

29 1 1


it's been 10 days since i updated.

let's fill you in on what's happened.

my rat died. 

the day she died we were planning on getting 3 more rats to keep her company in the last few days/weeks of her life.

the day before she died, she seemed better. she got out of her cage. i was so happy.

then she died. 

we still got the new rats. i had made a commitment to them.

their names are Carrie, Lucy, and Hiccup.

Carrie's named after two people that mean a lot to me. even though i've never met them

Carrie Hope Fletcher and Alex Day.

youtubers known as ItsWayPastMyBedTime, and Alex used to be known as Nerimon.

doesn't matter, really. but those two have saved my life and they don't even know it. i doubt they ever will.

i wish i could tell them. but i live in america. they live in london.

and i might not be around long enough to meet them and say thank you.

i just want to say thank you.

thank you.


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