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my friend, my friend. what has become of you

what has become of us

you are not the person i fell in love with

you are not the one i love

ana’s taking over your body

she’s ripping it to shreds

i don’t know you anymore

no thoughts of me are in your head

sue is taking you now

with her good friend dee.

i don’t know you anymore

i know the name

but not the face

you cry you scream

you yell and beat

the others around you are worried

you don’t care

you don’t think

i am nothing but a name now

a simple routine

you say you love me

but they’re words you don’t truly mean

you fight for me to stay

you say you need me

forever and always

but you don’t

and i can’t

because you’re wasting away

my friend what has become of you

you’re ripping at the seams.

you left me behind

but i’m still your routine.

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