February 26, 2014

31 2 2

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Let's update on what's been going on in my life;

Well first off all my friends hate me right now because they were terrible to me.

I'll elaborate;

My best friend of 4 years and her boyfriend broke up. She then called several people and told them not to tell me.

I happened to be sitting right next to one of those people and when I asked what was wrong, she said she had just promised not to tell me.

So I called the 'best friend' in question several times, all of which she ignored.

I then texted her and confronted her about it. When she finally screamed it at me, I got upset and asked why. She then continued to yell at me and called me selfish.

The other friend tried to make it better by saying that the best friend didn't want to tell me because she thought I would rub it in her face.

Which hurt.

I do everything for my friends. I constantly put them ahead of myself. This shit happens to me so much and I NEVER LEARN.

I agree with Wendy.

Those who are heartless once cared too much.

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