Dec. 9, 2013

38 1 1

oops. missed another day.

it's not like anyone missed me. whatever.

i wasn't going to write today either. but i don't have an excuse today and i don't have anything better to do.

and i do have things to talk about. something i've been meaning to write about for a while. Then i kept forgetting and putting off. but mostly forgetting. I think so fast that sometimes my ideas get away from me... a lot of the time my ideas get away from me. and i tend to remember the good ones right after the task is finished and i can't change it.

stupid old Lucy, right?

Anyways, what i've been meaning to talk about is the food log we're supposed to be doing in health.

i have to lie on mine.

i don't mean to, per se. i just have to because, well, as i mentioned earlier, sometimes i forget to eat or sometimes i'm too busy to bother eating or sometimes i just don't feel like eating.

i'm not anorexic. let's get that straight. i'm not obsessed with my weight. i could care less how much i weigh and i already have near complete control over my life.

sometimes i just get too preoccupied to eat. it happens. 

eating slows me down....


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