December 7, 2013

34 1 1

today... today was horrible.

let's have a recap, shall we?

i woke up this morning, and all my aunts were downstairs making cookies. it smelled wonderful and i remember thinking 'this is going to be a good day.'

i hung out upstairs with them and ate breakfast, chocolate chex cereal. it was good. but i haven't been able to eat anything else all day.

after breakfast, i got breakfast for my rats and went downstairs to go feed them, like i do. i was humming to myself. i don't remember what song.

when the cage came into view, i saw one lying on her side, and it looked like the other one was cleaning her.

then i got closer. i dropped their food and screamed.

Kiza, the one laying on her side, was dead. and Red, the other one, was eating her dead body.

her guts and blood and bones were all over the cage.

i remember screaming and my dad running downstairs. when he saw the blood on Red and Kiza's body, he picked me up and took me upstairs.

i couldn't move. i just cried and shook. Kiza had been my best friend, and Red was her sister.

i went back down there. i knew Red needed comfort. she didn't understood what she had just done. i knew she was looking for Kiza.

so i spent my day with Red, comforting her and letting her comfort me.

she's still my baby girl. i will always love her.

she's my baby. and sometimes, when we don't deserve love is when we need it most.


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