Dec. 5, 2013

39 1 3

i somehow got roped into making my friend a mixed cd for his girlfriend for christmas because he has no idea what to get her. the whole time i was giving him ideas, his friend was saying 'no, no, no'

until finally i got sick of it and said 'oi! i'm the only one with tits here. i think i know better!'

that shut him up pretty quickly.

so yeah... now i'm doing something nice for someone. i do that sometimes. mostly because B, the person needing the gift, is crippled. he broke his collar bone or something.

morale of the story, sometimes i do good things.

i would say he owes me, but that won't matter in a few days.

today was good. we had a party in History, i got an A on my biology test, stuff like that.

i dunno why i'm still really trying though. it won't matter soon.

nothing will.



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