Chapter Eleven

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Esme sat on the fishery's port. She dangled her feet in Tranquil's waters and even took off the scratchy trousers in hopes to cool herself. It was kind of working but the afternoon heat above water was almost unbearable. Esme shielded her eyes as she gazed up at the sky. The sun was unchallenged by clouds and the clear skies were dotted with birds and blimps alike.

'It's so hot today.' She mumbled as she stroked her Grimoire she kept close to her side and placed River Oak's whistle against her forehead. The silver whistle was cool and wet but it was too small to give her any real respite from the heat.

Absolon whistled in a low tone beside her. He was feeling the heat too and his normal bubble shape was drooping a little.

'Sit in the water.' Esme suggested gently.

Absolon did so with slow motions. He dropped and let his body float in the cool gentle waters that lifted and lowered him in a rocking rhythm. After a few moments he seemed to perk up a little and begun to whistle softly in contentment. Esme smiled. Once again she was remained how lucky she had Absolon beside her. He not only protected her but took away the loneliness too. If she didn't have him, she doubted she'd feel nearly as brave to face Denver and the journey to Lithgow. Maybe she wouldn't even do it at all.

Esme flopped back onto the creaking wharf and stared up at the sky. It had been a while since Fox and the Occultist left. She wondered when they would be back and it brought a small knot to her chest. Would they be back? Would they still bow to her blackmail and get her out of Lakeside and to Hornfell City without trouble? She hoped they would. She needed them to. But she was fully aware they didn't believe her. They trusted the shouting cries from the city, not the one small voice being pointed out as a villain. The public, the law and the Towers all voiced her as the killer.

'I'll prove them wrong. Lithgow will lift the curse and help me point out Denver as the murderer.' She murmured to herself and as she drifted off to sleep.

Esme dreamt an old dream. She was in the snow, playing with her mother back in her home country. The air was still and frigid, turning her breath into tiny puffs, and the clouds were grey as the birthed tiny gentle snowflakes. Her father stood not far, watching on with his usual stoic eyes. Everything was as she remembered. Her mother, beautiful and fair, and her father, tall and wise. But there was something new in this dream. Cassandra was there, older than her mother and dressed in clothes much too cold for the winter of Emprise Du Soliel. She was happy though and her smile matched Esme's mother, clearly showing the relation between the two.

Esme was elated. All who she loved and was loved by in return was here. Her parents and aunt. The three most treasured people. Which is why she burst into tears as, one by one, the melted into mist, vanishing from Esme's sight. She was alone again.

The dream broke suddenly when she heard her name being called sharply. Her eyes snapped open, releasing the few trapped tears, and she stared in alarm at the face hovering above her. She recognised it instantly. Fox.

Her face tinted pink as she shot up and shuffled away from him, rubbing her eyes madly as he watched impassively from his crouched position. He saw her cry. He couldn't see her cry. He'd sense weakness in her and lose the fearful respect she needed to control him.

'What are you here for?' Esme stammered in what she hoped was an angry tone. She wasn't sure it was though.

Fox sighed and pressed his hand against his check. 'You told me to come back.'

Esme blushed deeper. Of course she had. She cleared her throat and tired to still her surprised heart.

'Did your Doe accept the fake Eye?'

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