Chapter Eighteen

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Fox was unnerved. Really, really unnerved. This whole place gave him the creeps. Even though it was night, the place was vibrant and well lit. Everything looked oddly blue and there were weird floating lights that drifted about the still air. Fox tried to evade them, ducking and dodging, but some still bumped into him, leaving a soft warm feeling as it carried on its merry way.

Worst though was the hulking wolf, or the Everwood Spirit as it claimed. It plodded some distance ahead with Absolon and several other wood and summer Sprites on its back. The trees and branches would curve out of the way, moving aside as much as they could to let the Spirit pass. It was bizarre to see and it made him anxious. Here, in the Spirit Paths, Fox was out of his depth. This was a place of magic.

Dupont seemed happy. She pranced in the wake of the Everwood Spirit, sniffing at the plants that grew in his pawprints with curiosity. She knew where they were going and she wasn't too nervous.

'Gotta trust the Wizard.' Fox muttered under his breath.

So long as Dupont was comfortable, he assumed nothing bad was going to happen.

Fox continued following the weird troupe with his scowl growing deeper as Sprites would tug at his trousers and lights kept bumping into him. The trees annoyed him too as they would begin to return to their natural shape the moment the Spirit passed, meaning he had to squeeze through tiny gaps or stumble about massive roots. His anxiety and irritation kept growing until, finally, they stopped.

It was a clearing filled with little trees and many flowers. The long grass swayed in the gentle breeze, pulling loose dusty lights and scattering them far. A pond was not far from where Fox stood nervously. The water was so clear he could see the depths and the fish swimming about. The water Sprites that had been singing and playing there were now watching intently.

Fox moved himself close to Dupont. He watched the Everwood Spirit as he turned, shaking off some of the twisted wood Sprites from his back. They fell, laughing into the long grass, before either scurrying off or dancing beside the wolf's feet. Absolon returned to Dupont who stood patiently.

The Everwood gazed at Fox and Dupont with massive watery eyes. 'Bloxham Sprite. This one has brought her to him.'

Fox waited with impatience as Dupont answered. He couldn't hear her but he knew she was speaking or the Spirit was having a very one sided conversation.

'He comes.' The Spirit said and moved his great body aside.

For a moment there was silence. Fox stood, fidgeting. He didn't like this. All the Sprites had fallen silent and has shuffled away from the clearing, choosing to hide amongst the trees instead and didn't so much as whisper. Even the wind had stopped rustling.

He twiddled with his gloves, arming it with lightning that flickered briefly. Whatever was coming, he was prepared.

All of a sudden the earth heaved, nearly knocking him off his feet. Dupont yelped beside him in surprised then hopped back when something broke through the grass. Massive roots tore through the earth, curling about the air hurriedly. Fox watched in terror as the roots twisted and turned, curling and knotting about to form a shape. In a matter of seconds and huge frame was formed before it began to glow. The moss and grass covering the branches changed, turning white and furlike and tore over the frame like wildfire until, finally, a wolf was formed, white as snow and littered with branches adorned with green leaves.

Fox stared. He didn't know what to think. He had thought the Everwood Spirit was big, but this. It was huge. Its head along was bigger than the Everwood.

The beast stared with glowing eyes, like two great moons, and it parted its black lips.

'I am pleased to see you again, Bloxham Sprite.' The wolf spoke.

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