Chapter 23

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            By the time we made it to Sara she was practically having the baby on the floor.  Gabe was having a panic attack and I had no idea what to do.  He had called an ambulance on the way, practically demanding them to be there.

            “GABE! THANK GOD!” Sara yelled as he came into view, tears were streaming down her face.  Her cheeks red and blotchy.

            He reached her and held her as well as he could, mumbling softly into her ear.

            I knew he was capable of handling her for a moment.  I grabbed a bag and began loading it with the things that she would need at the hospital.  As I passed by a window I noticed the ambulance outside, on their way in with a stretcher.  Sara was not going to like that.  They didn’t even bother knocking on the door they just barged in and began helping Sara.  Another contraction came and she screamed so loud I thought my eardrums were going to burst.

            Once the men got her situated they loaded her into the ambulance Gabe hopped in without a second thought.  Quickly grabbing the bag I ran out the door and to Gabes car, and floored it to the hospital. 


            We had been there for at least five hours.  My mom had shown up, as well as Drew.  I was thankful to have him there with me to help calm my nerves.  I was practically bouncing up, my breathing sharp.  At one point Drew got worried and made a doctor come check me out to make sure that I wasn’t going in to labor as well.  I wasn’t.  Drew was just paranoid.

            I was tapping my foot impatiently against the cold tile flooring when Gabe came out of the delivery room, a huge grin on his face.

            “I’m a daddy.  I’m a daddy to a little princess,” he said his smile wide and eyes shinning bright.

            We all quickly hopped up, or stumbled in my case and each gave him a hug, wishing him congratulations.

            When he asked if we wanted to see the baby I was already passed him and into Sara’s room.  The first thing I saw was Sara’s tired smiling face, then I saw the beautiful baby girl in her arms.  She looked just like her daddy. 

            “Hey,” I said quietly.

            “Hey Ash, would you like to meet you niece?” Sara asked me quietly.

            I nodded and got closer to her, slowly, as to not wake her, she handed her to me.  She was so tiny and fragile.  All I could think about was the fact that I had a niece.  The baby was gorgeous and I fell in love with her instantly. I looked over and noticed that everyone had come in and were all staring at the baby girl. My mother held her hands out and so I handed her over. 

            “So, do you know what you’re going to name her?”  I ask Sar.

            She nodded.

            “Maria Michelle,”

            I nodded.


I just realized that people are actually reading this story so I figured I’d update it with a quick update and see where that takes me. Sorry for not updating for a long time..


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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