Chapter 22...

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   By the next day I was ecstatic! I called my mom and she got the day off work so that she could take me shopping for a cute dress and to get my hair done. After dad came home mom moved out, she got a cozy little apartment not far from our house. It was nice…I guess. Anyways we went shopping and I got everything done. By the time we finished I was exhausted! Can you blame me? I’m a pregnant woman.

    We decided to go to the food court before going home so that I wouldn’t look like a pig in front of Drew.

    We ate then went home. Dates are always so exciting! The only thing missing that would complete my whole day was Sara, telling me that what I’m wearing is not sexy enough or something silly like that. I smiled. Sara always knew what to say.

    I took my phone out quickly deciding to try and give her a call.

    Ring, Ring, Ring.

    “Ashley?” A quiet voice answered.

   My heart beat increased.

   “Ya. Sara are you okay?” I questioned.

    “Umm…ya but I…umm…might…-.” She trailed off.

    “What!?” I exclaimed. “Just spit it out!”

   “My baby is coming!!!” She suddenly yelled into the phone.

    “Shit!” I exclaimed and the phone went flying into a lamp.

    Quickly I ran to my phone which was now sitting on the floor with a crack in it. I put it back to my ear.


    “Ya it’s me, sorry Sara. Where are you?”

    “At home but there’s nobody home and I don’t have a car.” She cried.

    She was scared and I could tell. A baby coming a month and a half early and nobody there to help her get through it ya she was scared as hell.

    “Call nine one one then!” I exclaimed, my nerves getting to me.

    “I don’t want to!” She wailed.

    Another scream came out of her mouth and I immediately started panicking. I did the first thing I thought of.

    “GABE!” I screeched with all my force.

    Two seconds later everyone barged into my room worried expressions on their faces. When they saw I was fine they all looked confused.

    “I’m on the phone with Sara and she’s in labor! She won’t call 911 so we have to get to her as fast as we can.” I spoke to Gabriel who was standing directly in front of me.

   “WHAT?” He asked.

    He went pale and sat down on the bed.

    “GABE! GET UP! You need to go help her! Not sit on a fuckin’ bed!” I yelled completely freaking out.

    “Sara are you still there? You need to tell me where you are.” I told her calmly.

    I heard heavy breathing then her voice.

    “At my cousins house. He lives downtown next to the drugmart.” She told me quickly.

    “Hang in there we’ll be there in five minutes I told her while running out of the room.

    The last thing I heard was a scream and then my phone died.

Ya i know it's really really short and there are spelling errors i just wanted to put something up for you guys:) So Now there's a cliffy!!! Lol Tell me what yoou think please! Oh and please read Ne Freak Pas Out It's on a different account but the account is the same name as the story lol! PLEASE Read it!! It's really good:) So far...lmao

   Thanks, Chris<3

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