August 14th 2015

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My Morning

Usually my mornings are very peaceful, but I guess my brother didn't want me to have that luxury. I groaned as I heard my room door burst open. "Hey, get up before we be late!" My brother Elijah yelled, kicking my mattress repeatedly. I groaned again throwing a pillow at him. "Ok, get out!" He muttered something under his breath and walked out my room but not before throwing my pillow back at me. I sat up feeling groggy. I'm already over waking up super early for this school crap, summer wasn't long enough for me. I walked to the bathroom to get in the shower so I can get ready for hell - I mean school.

As I got out of the shower, Elijah came in. I quickly wrapped myself with a towel, "What the hell Eli?" He ran to the toilet and released himself. He sighed and smiled in relief. "Sorry Bennie I had to piss bad and Mom was in the one downstairs." I huffed and went to my room setting up my phone so it could play my music. I opened my closet and just stared in it, pondering. "I really don't know what to wear," I muttered to myself. I walked to my dresser and dropped my towel, just then Elijah burst in, again. "Hey, we have 5..." He paused and screamed, "My eyes, my precious eyes." I quickly slipped on some boxer briefs as Elijah rolled on the floor scratching at his eyes. "Should've knocked." I walked over to my closet and just threw on a baby blue V-neck, some white jeans and my white and blue Vans. I grabbed my phone and book bag then turn to Elijah on the floor, "Ready" He jumped up throwing his hands in the air. "Finally, god!"

We rode up to the school, and let me tell you it's freaking huge. I got out of the car in awe. "Goddamn" Elijah said, his eyes widening. I nodded. "Took the words right out my mouth." We walked into the new remodeled school, heading to the main office to get our class schedules. Before we made it in the office we heard a loud screech. I grinned, already knowing that high-pitched screech. I turned around to see my best friend Fallon Harris. My eyes widened; she looked totally different. She had changed over the summer; at first she was kind of chubby, with glasses and her clothing choice was horrible, but now she was really fit, glasses-free, with a black crop top showing her boobs and belly ring, with black shorts and black combat boots and as always her very curly hair in a perfect bun. She ran up to me and hugged me, tightly I might add. "How's my best-gay-friend in the world doing?" My eyes widen. Elijah frowned. "You're what!?" I'm fucked.

The Outing

My eyes widened and my heart was beating like crazy. Elijah frowned at me and crossed his arm. "What did she just say?" I opened my mouth but nothing came out, making me look like a fish out of water. Elijah hit a nearby locker. "Benjamin, what did she just say!?" He never used my whole name - only when he's highly pissed at me, which surprisingly wasn't often. "I-I didn't know how you would take it." I stuttered out. He sighed heavily and ran his hands through his hair. I bit my lip nervously. "Do you hate me now?" I asked, tears threatening to fall. Elijah looked over and hugged me, surprising me. "No Bennie, I would never hate you; you're my best friend and my baby brother. I love you." I let go of all my tears that I was desperately holding back. "But under two conditions; one, if you find a boyfriend I have to meet him because of course I have to approve of them for my baby brother, and two if anybody's fucking with you tell me and I will knock some teeth in. Deal?" I chuckled, nodding.

After I told (well actually when he found out) that I was gay, I felt a little weight lift off me. Now he just acts how he usually acts, annoying the shit out of me. We were in our first class which was Algebra 2 and Elijah was poking my back, annoying me as always. I turned around and whispered yelled, "Oh my god, what do you want!?" He pointed at Joshua James, "How about Joshua? He's an artist, nice, good looking, and an amazing basketball player." I look over at Joshua; he is cute but I don't want date any of his basketball friends. I sighed, "Stop trying to set me up with your basketball friends." He sat back and crossed his arms, pondering. I smiled, turning around; he can be really annoying but he means well.

It was lunch time and Elijah and I found our table with all his basketball friends. There was Fallon, all hugged up with one of them. I sat next to her to see it was Jaxon Heights. I stared at her with an eyebrow raised. She smiled, "What?" I nodded to Jaxon. "When this happen? I thought you couldn't stand the ground he walked on?" Jaxon frowned at me. Even though she is going out with him or whatever I still don't like him. He use to always pick on me when I was little. Every time he came over to play with Elijah he always found a way to pick on me. Fallon kicked me under the table still smiling, "That was last year." I crossed my arms, "That was last week." She kicked me again harder this time. I winced, "God, ok fine sorry." Elijah jumped out his seat, making me jump. "I got it." Oh my god, not this again. "Was it from that Gina girl? I told you not to do that." Joshua asked, chuckling. My brother smacked him upside his head, "No, you ass. I found someone for my little Bennie." He said smiling, with his hands on his hips. I rolled my eyes," My hero." This is going downhill - I already see it.

The Tryouts

After school Elijah dragged me to the football field. I rolled my eyes. "Elijah, what are we doing out here? I told you none of your sport friends." He looked at me with his arms crossed, "I thought you liked the sporty type?" I sighed, crossing my arms. "I do but..." I paused, "Hey, how you know that?" He shrugged smiling. Then it hit me; Fallon. "I'm going to kill her." I said under my breathe. Just then I heard a whistle. I looked over to see shirtless football players doing drills. I started biting my lip. They look so good with their sweat just dripping off their bodies. Elijah snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Hey, lover boy you're drooling." I glared at him; he just chuckled. I sat down on the bleachers. "So why are we here again?" He pointed over to the field. I looked over to see a very cute, very toned guy walking toward us. I looked back at Elijah and he just smiled. "Hey man, what's up?" Elijah smiled, "This is my baby brother Bennie. Bennie, this is Gabriel Codwell, he just transferred here." He grinned at me, "But you can call me Gabe." I think my heart just stopped.

After the football tryouts, Elijah, Gabe, and I went to my house so they could play some more football (don't know why). What's crazy is that I hate sports - I loathe it but I love sporty guys - it's just my thing. Gabe turned to me and smiled, "Hey, do you want to play with us?" I bit my lip, "I-I..." "He doesn't know how to play football." Elijah cut me off. Gabe smirked, "Really? I can teach you if you want?" I averted my gaze to the ground, biting my lip, and nodded. He smiled big and grabbed my arm taking us to our back yard. The three of us stood in the middle of my large back yard. Elijah explained the rules, "Ok, this is how it's going to go down. First, Bennie, we are going to show you a couple pointers before we actually play." He grabbed the ball from Gabe. "Ok, step back a little. I'm going to throw the ball to you to see if you can actually catch." He smirked. I frowned, crossing my arms, "I can catch you ass." I heard Gabe chuckled, "OK smart ass, let's see." Just then he threw the ball, but I couldn't react in time so it ended up smacking me square in my face. I shouted in pain, holding my nose. "Damn it Elijah!" He ran up to me with Gabe in pursuit. He grinned a little. "When I said catch it I meant with your hands, not your face. Tilt your head back." "How was I supposed to know? You didn't ask if I was ready!" I yelled while tilting my head back, the metallic taste of blood filling my throat. Gabe moved my hand and felt my nose. His touch sent chills down my body. "It's not broken but when the bleeding stops you will need some ice," He chuckled, "Maybe football isn't for you after all."

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