August 16th 2015

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Waking up to the sound of Elijah loud alarm clock was the worse. I felt a dip in my bed then someone shaking me. "Hey Bennie, get up we have practice." I turned over groaning, "No, it's too early." He sighed heavily getting up from my bed. I smiled to myself and snuggled back into my comfy warm bed, until my covers were ripped from me. I shot up groaning, "Fine, I'm up, God." I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, which I hate it makes me feel like I'm not clean when I rushed to take a shower. After my shower I went to my closet to take out grey sweat pants and a sleeveless black shirt. I walked over to Elijah side of the closet and slipped on his black Nike's. When I made it downstairs I seen Elijah standing there impatient. I smiled, "I'm ready to go." He rolled his eyes and walked outside which I followed suit.

Being up early in the morning on a weekend doing drills like I'm training for the army is torture. After our fifth drill we finally had a chance to get some water. As I was sitting on the bench chugging a bottle of water I saw Gabe walking over with just his shorts on. His body was so tan and toned it was just breathtaking especially with the beads of sweat dripping from his sexy chiseled... "So, what do you say?" Oh shit he said something and I didn't hear a single word. I chuckled nervously, "Sorry, what did you say?" He chuckled a little, "I said after practice I was wondering if you want to go to the movies tonight?" I grinned biting my lip. My heart was racing I'd never been on an actual date before. What if I do something stupid? I guess it's all or nothing. I grinned, "Yeah, ok." He smiled wide, "Great, I'll pick you up tonight around 8." I smiled nodding then groaned when I heard Coach blow his whistle indicating our break was over.

After practice my body felt so numb, I couldn't walk which is why Elijah is letting me ride on his back. "You better be lucky you're light." I chuckled a little then frown when he literally threw me in the passenger seat. "So, what were you and Gabriel talking about?" He asked as he was getting in the car. I smiled a little, "He asked me out on a date tonight." he grinned, "Awe, my baby brother is going out on his first date how cute." He pinched my cheeks. I slapped his hand from my cheeks feeling my cheeks heat up from pain and embarrassment. "And for your information I've been on plenty of dates thank you." He laughed, "Going out with Fallon places isn't a date." "Shut up." Hey, it's not my fault I haven't been out on a real date. I looked at the time and it was 7:15. My eyes widen, "Shit, on ward I have to get ready in 45 minutes, let's go chop chop." Elijah started the car with a chuckle then we were off.

I was getting out the shower when I heard the doorbell ring. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would jump out my chest. I quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist and went to my room to my closet. "Shit, shit, shit what am I going to wear I hate being in a rush. Stupid Coach having us doing drills all fucking day, asswipe." I grumbled to myself. There was a chuckle, "You know talking to yourself isn't healthy." I turned to see Gabe leaning against the door frame. He looked so sexy with his black long sleeve button up shirt with a grey vest, black slacks and black Vans. I snapped out my daze and blushed seeing that I was still in just a towel. I chuckled nervously, "Sorry I'm not ready." He smirked licking his lips, "It's fine, actually I just checked and the movies doesn't start 'till 10, so you got time." I sighed in relief. Good, now I can get dress in peace. I walked to my dresser and got a pair of black briefs since I'm going by Gabe's attire. I slipped the briefs under my towel then letting it fall. I turn to see Gabe watching my every move. I looked down blushing. I went to my closet to get some black skinny jeans, my white shirt with a black skull on it, and a black vest like Gabe but left open with my white and black Vans. I smiled up at him, "Ready."

The First Date

As I came down stairs I see nothing but guys everywhere. I looked for Elijah to see him in the kitchen taking shots. Where the fuck everyone come from and where they get drinks from? I tapped his shoulder and he turned around looking a little tipsy. "Where's Mom and Dad?" I yelled over the noisy boys and music. He smiled wide, "They went out of town for the week, so the house is all ours." His words were slurred but I heard most of it. I shook my my head, "So you decided to throw a party?" He nodded and went back to his shots. I rolled my eyes and pulled Gabe out the house which Elijah made into a frat house. Once we were outside I sighed, "I'm sorry you had to see my brother stupidity." He chuckled, "It's ok." We walked to what I guess was his car which was beautiful by the way. He came over and opened the car door. I smiled telling him thanks as he went to his side and got in. I smiled as he started the car, "So, are you going to tell me what we're going to go see?" He grinned shaking his head, "Nope." I just smiled rolling my eyes. He better be lucky he's cute because people know I hate surprises.

We pulled up into the parking lot and I looked up to see we were at a drive-in movie. I smiled wide and turned to Gabe, "Oh my god, I've always wanted to go to a drive-in movie." Gabe turned to me smiling, "You never went to a drive-in movie?" I shook my head. My Mom was so protective over me she never let me leave the house, even if I went to Fallon's she would call constantly to see if I was ok. He got out the car and I followed suit. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the concession stand to go get snacks and the radio station for the movie. As we were waiting in line people were staring at me and Gabe. I looked around and touched my face to see if anything was wrong, but then I looked down to see our hands intertwine still. No, no, no I can't let people know that I'm gay the only people that do know is Elijah, Fallon, and of course Gabe because they won't judge me. But complete strangers are a different story I can't take all that criticism I'm not tough enough for that. I let go of Gabe's hand and he looked over at me, "Hey, what's wrong?" I pulled a fake smile, "Umm.... I-I'm going to wait in the car this line looks long and my feet starting to hurt." I turned and rushed out the stand not hearing what he said.

I waited for Gabe scrolling through my Tumblr feed until I heard the car door open. I looked over to see all types of junk. I chuckled seeing him struggle, "Would you like some help sir?" He grunted, "That would be wonderful." I grabbed the nachos from his hand and the drink from under his arm. He sighed in relief as he finally got into the car. He looked at me and smiled, "Ok, so I got popcorn and nachos since I didn't know which you wanted. And a Sprite or Dr. Pepper whichever." I grabbed the Dr. Pepper and kept the nachos in my lap. "Oh! I almost forgot." He yelled suddenly. He got out the car and got something from on the roof of the car. He came back with a tub of cotton candy. My mouth watered instantly. Cotton candy was my favorite candy ever, if I could I would eat it forever. I heard a chuckle and I snapped up to see Gabe smiling, "Oh, these isn't for you." I quickly looked up at him like I was going to cry. "I'm kidding." He said ginning. I turned and pouted watching Gabe change the radio station so we could start watching the movie.

After the movie, it was already 1 o'clock in the morning once we made it we made it to my house. Gabe pulled in the driveway and parked the car. I smiled over at him, "Thanks Gabe, I had an amazing night." Minus the little panic attack, I had a great time with him. He smiled at me, "No problem, I'm glad you had a good time." He leaned in and kissed me. I froze at first but then melted into the kiss. His lips felt so soft against mines like I was kissing cotton candy, which I have, no shame. I broke from the kiss and exhaled air I didn't know I was holding. I smiled and said my goodbyes exiting the car waving at his retreating car. Once I made it in the house my mouth dropped open. The house was a disaster, it looked like a twister hit it then a stamped came after. There were people everywhere on the floor passed out. I looked for Elijah everywhere until I go to our room to see him laying on my bed completely naked sprawled out. I sighed shaking my head. Only Elijah can get drunk enough to take off all his clothes. I took off my clothes and put on some basketball shorts and a random T-shirt from my drawer. I guess I'll try to clean what I can before our parents come home and kill him.

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