September 7th 2015

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Him Again

It's been two weeks since Elijah has been in the hospital, and all those days after school or after practice that place was like my second home. Gabe and Fallon always came with me after I told them what happen, and today was one of those days. Gabe and Fallon waited for me as I was in practice. I couldn't even concentrate on my dancing because I kept thinking about Elijah and that bastard Ross. Scarlett tapped my shoulder startling me, "Hey Bennie, are you ok?" She smiled sweetly. I gave her a weak smile, "Yeah I'm fine, I just have a lot on my mind." She grinned at me sadly before going to the front to finish the choreography.

After practice I went to go change with Gabe right behind me. As my back was turned to Gabe I could feel him staring. I sighed, "I'm fine Gabe, stop worrying." I turned smiling. He gave me a worry look telling me that he could see right through me which I hate. He engulfed me into a hug, "It's ok to cry Bennie. Keeping it in will make it worse. What happened wasn't your fault." My vision began getting blurry but I couldn't cry I had to be strong, for Elijah. "I can't, I have to be strong for not just myself, but for Elijah, for my Mom." I said softly. Gabe held me tighter, "Even the strongest people cry." That made me break out into tears like a horrible thunderstorm. After what seemed like forever I looked up at Gabe to see him smiling lovingly. "Better?" He asked. I nodded grabbing my things and leaving the locker room to see an impatient Fallon. She looked over throwing her hands in the air, "Finally, what were you two doing, having a make out session," I chuckled shaking my head at her, "Well, let's go my future husband awaits." I laughed making my stomach ache as she walked us to the car. She always knows how to make me laugh even when she doesn't know I'm having a bad day.

On the way to the hospital my phone rang. I looked to see it was my Mom, "What's up Mom," She was talking so fast that I didn't hear a word, "Mom, slow down I don't understand you." She calmed herself, "It's Elijah that said he spoke." My eyes widen, "Really, do they know what he said?" "No, they said it was incoherent. Are you on your way here?" She said sounding really tired all of a sudden. I frowned a little, "Mom, how long have you been at the hospital?" She sighed, "Since this morning." I shook my head sighing, "Mom go home and rest, I'll be there in like five minutes," She was silent, "It's ok Mom Eli will be ok, he's a Wright, and us Wright men are strong." She giggled telling me she loved me then hung up. Ross is the reason my Mom is like this. It's his fault for Elijah in a coma. Some father he is. Father of the fucking year.

Fallon, Gabe, and I made it to the hospital and we jumped out the car. As we walked into the hospital I seen Elijah doctor and security running in the direction of Elijah's room. "Hey doc, what's up?" He turned around and he had the look of worry on his face, "It's your father he was seen heading towards Elijah's room." My heart stopped and before I knew it I was running to Elijah's room ignoring the voices calling my name. He's not going to hurt my brother anymore then he already has I need to put a stop it. When I made it to Elijah's room I seen two security struggling with my father. I looked down to see a nearly empty bottle of Amsterdam lying on the floor. I yelled, "What's going on!?" Which was a big mistake Ross looked over at me and pure hatred, fury, and disgusted filled his eyes. He ripped from the security guards and lunged at me. Fists fly all over my body; my face, stomach, head, and ribs. The pain was to much to endure which made me black out into utter darkness.

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