February 19th 2016

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The Two Relationships

"Wait, you did what!?" Fallon yelled. Of course once I told Elijah something he would go back and tell Fallon. I rolled my eyes, "It's not that big of a deal." I said as we made it into school. She followed me on my heel, "Not a big deal? Bennie, do you not remember what happen between you two?" I turned around fed up with her constant nagging, "Look Fallon, what's done is done ok, so just drop it." Fallon rolled her eyes, "Whatever, if this bites you in the ass don't come crying to me." She turned around and went the opposite direction. "Trust me I won't." Of course Elijah just had to ran back and tell Fallon and the Gabe situation. Once I made it into class I looked to see Elijah made it to class before me and all the way to my seat I glared at him. "Thanks a lot?" I said as I sat down in my seat. He leaned forward whispering in my ear, "What did I do?" I sighed heavily shaking my head turning towards him slightly whispering to him. "You just had to tell Fallon about the whole Gabe thing. You know how she feels about him." I turned around my back facing him. Out of all people I thought I could trust my own brother with a secret without him going back and telling his little girlfriend. "Look, she needed the right to know you said she's your best friend so why not tell her. I thought I was doing you a favor." I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed heavily, "If you want to do me a favor, ask me first before you open your mouth."

After class I was walking to my locker to changed my books out and also to take out my green laptop that Xzavier got me for Christmas when I was in the hospital. I closed my locker and turned around to a pissed looking Xzavier. I sighed, Fallon can never mind her own goddamn business sometimes. I message my forehead feeling a migraine coming on, "Fallon must have talked to you." He crossed his arms, "Yeah, so do you want to talk about this whole Gabriel situation, because last time I check he was the one who cheated on you and you were so devastated by it that you didn't leave your house in weeks." I'm going to literally kill Fallon. I brushed passed him going to the library and if things couldn't get worse I seen Gabe coming down the hall. I groaned out loud, "Great, just great I'm really not in the mood for this right now." I quickly make a beeline to the library and to the back where I know there be silence. I opened my laptop and took out my books to my class that I had to study for but since God hates me right now I heard my name being called. I whimpered wanting to cry. "All I ask for is just some peace and quiet is that too much to ask?" I said to myself. I looked up to see Raven and Rayna, two sisters that was in the same class as me I was trying to study for. I smiled at them, "Hey, what's up?" They sat at the same table as me taking out all their work. Raquel slouched in her seat after she took everything out looking exhausted. "The hell man, Mr. Kelly know that we can't finish all this in three days." Raquel whined. I chuckled nodding, "I feel you, I think he be doing it on purpose. I think he need some ass to tell you the truth." They burst out laughing which made me laugh also. I looked over to see Fallon glaring over at me which made me chuckle even more

It was the end of the day and I was on my way to the gym when I heard running behind me. I stopped and looked over my shoulder to see Gabe smiling face which made me grin a little. He's so adorable when he's trying so hard to be my friend. He stopped next to me and put his arm around my shoulder still smiling widely. I continued walking shaking my head with the grin still plastered on my face. As we were making our way to the gym I heard someone clear their throat. I looked behind me to see Xzavier looking pissed. I quickly move Gabe's arm from around me. "Why is it every time I see you he always has his goddamn arm around you?" Xzavier asked looking irritated. "Dude, calm down. We're just friends that's it." Gabe said trying to reassure Xzavier. Xzavier walked up on Gabe both face to face, "Last time I check you two were together, so sorry if I'm a little on edge when my boyfriend and his ex are walking together closely like that." I got in between them and pushed them apart looking at Xzavier. I swear these two are going to give me grey hair before I actually get old. "Look Xzavier, I don't want Gabe." "Ouch" Gabe said under his breath. I slapped his arm then looked back at Xzavier, "He just want to be my friend that's all and that's as far I'm taking this relationship. It's you who I want not him." I sighed which I realize I do a lot, I mean with all that's going on in my life I'm surprise that I'm even doing as well as I am. Xzavier walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my neck while I wrapped mines around his waist. He smelled so good like vanilla and strawberries. I smiled to myself and melted into the hug.

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