August 21st 2015

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The Incident

The next morning, I was so sore, none of my limbs weren't cooperating right. Every move I made my body jolt in pain. I groaned, "Oh my god, this is worser than football." I heard a chuckle at the door. "You know worser isn't a word right?" Gabe stated leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. I rolled my eyes, "Ain't wasn't a word but now look it's in the dictionary." I laid back down in my bed and snuggled back into my covers. "This feels so nice I love my bed. Sorry Gabe, I might leave you for my bed." I said to myself. "Damn babe, you'll dump me for a bed?" He said with a fake hurt expression. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me. There was a dip at the side of my bed I turned to see Gabe leaning down and he planted his lips onto mines. At first it was just sweet kiss then he straddled my waist deepening the kiss. His hand roamed my bare chest sending chills up my body. I slid my hands over his ass and squeezed it. He moaned then I heard a gasp. I looked over to see my Mom mouth a gap and I actually felt all the blood and the color drain from my body.

My heart was literally beating through my ear this silence was suffocating. My Dad pacing the floor while my Mom was looking out into space in a daze and my brother nowhere to protect me. My Dad stop pacing which made me look up. His face held so many emotions I couldn't recognize one. My Dad sighed, "Look Bennie, I don't have any problem with you," He paused feeling awkward, "Being gay, but there's a couple of rules. One, you will not have sex under this roof. Two, that boy is not allowed back into this house." "But Dad..." He snapped his fingers shutting me up. "And third, I don't want to see any of this gayness or you're out of here. Do you understand?" My eyes widen looking at my Mom as she looked at my Dad and Frowned, "Ok Ross, I agree with the first two but that last one is going over the top." He looked over at her frowning, "No Violet, I will not have a faggot for a son." "Ross!" My Mom yelled. That one word made my heart disintegrate. The way he said that word with so much hatred it's like a brick house fell on top of me. My vision became clouded with tears. I stood up no emotion on my face, "Well then, I guess that's it. I'll be in my room." I walked to my room not letting the tears fall. Once in my room with the door locked I broke down. My father hated the very ground I walk on. I use to be his little champ but now I'm his little faggot. It breaks my heart.

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