March 1st 2016

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The Visit

I groaned as I felt hotness on my face making me roll over feeling a bare chest. I rubbed the chest feeling it all the way until I felt the waistband of their boxers. "Are you having fun there?" I opened my eyes to see Xzavier's beautiful grey eyes. There was a knock at the door which made me groan covering my head with the cover. "Bennie wake up we have things to do!" Elijah yelled. I groaned sitting up pouting, "Where are we going?" He rolled his eyes closing my room door. I whined getting out of bed and going to the bathroom connected to my room to do my hygiene things and whine in the shower. I got out the shower wrapping a towel around my waist then walking into my room seeing Xzavier sprawled out on my bed on his phone. I chuckled to myself going to my dresser drawer grabbing the first boxer briefs I seen and dropped my towel and slipped them on. I heard a slight whine, "At least you could put on a little show for me." I grinned shaking my head going to my closet to ponder on what to wear. Like why would he telling me to get ready if I don't know what to get ready for. Is it formal? Are we supposed to look like gentlemen? And if that's the case I'm fucked because I don't have gentlemen clothes. As I was having a mental breakdown I felt a hand grab my ass then arms around my waist. I smiled to myself leaning into Xzavier's arms, "If you want my attention there's other ways then to just grab my ass." He shrugged kissing my neck, "What's the fun in that? And plus, having an ass like that how can you not want to touch it." He walked over to his duffle bag looking for clothes himself. I smiled, "I'll keep that in mind if another guy touches my ass," I looked over my shoulder to see him glaring at me, "Maybe Gabe wouldn't mind to test that theory." Xzavier through a pillow at me making me laugh loudly. "That's not even close to be funny." He said still glaring. I walked over to him fake pouting, " Aww babe, I'm just kidding." He didn't say nothing just start changing. I draped myself over his back pouting for real this time, "C'mon Xzavier it was just a joke. You know I would never do that to you." He stayed silent which made me roll my eyes. I went back to my closet and pulled out bleached jeans, a white T-shirt, my black cheetah print Vans, and a black leather jacket and left the room annoyed. I came into the living room to see Elijah waiting twirling his keys around his finger. I came up from behind him and walked out the door without asking him was he ready.

Through the whole ride Elijah was asking me why was I so quiet and why I looked so mad in which I just ignored him. We turned down a familiar street which made me sit up in my seat. Once we pulled up to the familiar house I jumped out the car before it came to a full stop and ran to the front door. Elijah yelled out my name as I knocked on the door impatiently. When the door open I broke out in a smile and engulfed her into a hug. "Mom, I missed you so much. I have so much to tell like I don't even know where to start." I walked into the house looking around. Everything still looked the same the last time I was here I looked at the pictures on the wall of when Elijah and I were little and it just put a smile to my face. "Ok, why are you acting like we haven't been here in years it's only been a month." Elijah said sitting on the couch like things hasn't changed. Elijah looked over at Mom, "So Mom are you ready to go?" Looked between my brother and my Mom confused. She nodded, "Yeah, let me put my shoes on." When she went upstairs I looked over at Elijah with a brow raised, "Where are we going?" Elijah leaned forward and sighed, "We're going to go see Dad." My eyes widen and my eyes agape. "W-Why are we going to go see him. He's in jail where he needs to be there's no reason for us to go see him," My heart started racing and I felt myself get hot, "I don't understand why Mom is willing for us to go see him, I can't believe you are even considering it." I took of my jacket throwing it on the couch. Elijah got up and walked over to me trying to calm me down. "Bennie it's fine Mom is only going up there to finalize some divorce papers that's it this isn't a house call this just straight business," I felt myself calm down a little, "And plus that place is loaded with guards so even if he tried something there's people there to stop him before he hurt anybody this time." I breathed in deeply and sighed heavily nodding my head. My Mom came downstairs to see she looked between Elijah and I. "Is everything ok?" She asked. I smiled nodding grabbing my jacket putting it back on, "Nothing for you to worry about. How about after we come back we should all go out for lunch or something, just the three of us?" I put my arms around her shoulder walking to the door. "I would love that, but I have to work this afternoon and you're going back to school." I removed my arm from her shoulder and pouted.

As we were riding up to the jailhouse my heart started racing as I seen the jail coming into view. What if something bad happens? I just can't get over the feeling in the pit of my stomach that something will happen. As we pulled up I took a deep breath and got out the car following slowly behind my Mom and Elijah. As my mom was doing the paperwork for the visit Elijah looked over at me fidgeting with my jacket zipper. He walked over rubbing my back trying to sooth my racing heart and mind. "Everything is going to be ok." He grinned at me and I just nodded. The door buzzed signaling us that we could proceed into the visiting area. I sighed biting my lip and followed them my heart raced with every stepped. Once we walked through the door I looked up to see the man that ruined my life sitting at a table. I sat at a table far from them but still close enough to hear. "I'm surprised to see everyone." Ross said looking over at me. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Let's skip the talking," My Mom took out some papers, "You know exactly why I'm here." Ross chuckled, "Why do you want to end things so badly?" My Mom frowned, "Why? Maybe I don't want someone putting my kids in the hospital." I see Elijah clench then unclenched his hands. This isn't going anywhere he's stalling until visiting hours are over so he can delay the inevitable. I sighed, "He's not going to sign them," Elijah and my Mom looked at me confused while Ross grinned, "He's just going to stall us until visiting hour are over." Ross chuckled, "You're a smart little faggot aren't you?" I closed my eyes and sighed deeply calming myself down. I crossed my arms and opened my eyes, "Actually yes I am, I remember when you took me with you on one of your screenings when I was little and you did the same thing." Ross stood up slowly clapping which made me stand my ground even though I was terrified on the inside. My Mom slammed her hands on the table, "Goddamn it Ross, just sign the damn papers don't nobody got time for your little games!" Ross smirked and signed the paper walking off. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. Elijah put his arms over my shoulder smiling, "Way to go little bro." I shrugged him off walking towards the exit just wanting to go home.

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