March 2nd 2016

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The Fight

I walked through the hallways feeling my legs move on their own guiding me to where ever. I looked up to see Xzavier with his arms crossed in front of my desk. I crossed my arms also, "What's your deal." Xzavier raised a brow, "What's my deal? What's your deal, you haven't answered any of my texts or calls for days." I rolled my eyes seating in my seat. I sighed, "Look, I'm not really in the mood right now so can you please just leave me alone." "What's wrong? Is everything ok?" I shook my head laying my head on top of my arms that was laying on top of the desk. He groaned, "Can you please tell me what's wrong. It seems like something is bothering you and if it is I just want to..." "Look, there's nothing wrong so can you just leave me alone!" I yelled still with my head down not trying look at him. I heard him walk off making me l look up to see everyone staring. I rolled my eyes and put my head back down just wanting this day to be over.

I was walking to the lunchroom when I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Fallon and Elijah walking up to me with Fallon having a confused frown on her face. She poked my chest, "What's this I hear you and Xzavier having a fight today in class," I sighed rolling my eyes, "It's nothing, I'm not in the mood right now, ok?" I walked away going into the lunchroom. As I walked through the entrance way I seen Xzavier hugged up with a girl sitting on his lap. Over one little petty argument he goes and talk to some girl? As I was watching them laugh and all touchy feely Fallon and Elijah came up behind me. Fallon was about to speak until she seen what I was looking at, "What the hell!?" Elijah looked over at Xzavier and he looked pissed. Elijah walked over to Xzavier and tapped him on the shoulder. Once he turned around Elijah punched him square in the face without a second thought. Xzavier head whipped to the side then he looked up at Elijah retreating back then over at me with a surprised look. I turned around leaving the lunchroom hearing his voice call my name.

I left school walking back to my house feeling tears roll down my cheek. Why does this keep happening to me? Why does every guy that I try to love always break my heart? I thought he was the one. I thought he was my one. I can't believe he did this to me, he's just like Gabe. As I was walking kick myself in the ass. Elijah rolled up beside me and rolled down the window. "Bennie, get in the car." I ignored him and walked into a park sitting on a swing. Elijah parked and walked over to me. He sat beside me on the other swing, "Hey, are you ok?" I shook my head and chuckled, "You know I thought he was really in love with me. I thought we were doing good. I gave up my virginity, I honestly thought he would never hurt me." Elijah eyes widened, "Wait, you slept with him," I nodded closing my eyes knowing Elijah was disappointed in me, "Bennie, you should have waited for when the time was right." "I thought the time was right. At the time I thought he was perfect, he wouldn't do anything to hurt me, you and Fallon love him as if he was family, and I was going to let him meet Mom. I thought everything was perfect, but as usual, I was wrong." I sighed a shaky sigh trying not to cry. "Everything is perfect Bennie, what you saw wasn't what you thought." I opened my eyes and looked up to see Xzavier. Elijah was getting up when I held his arm telling him don't. "Look Bennie, if you think that I would actually cheat on you over a petty fight like that then I'm very hurt that you think I'm that type of person," He sat on the grass in front of me, "Bennie, I love you so much that it hurts me to see you like this, the only reason why I walked away was I knew you weren't having a good day, I knew something was off when you weren't answering my calls or texts. I was just worried about you and I wanted to know if you were ok and if I could do anything to help." Xzavier had a tear roll down his face. "Then what the hell was up with that girl who was all on you?" Elijah asked. Xzavier sighed, "She was nobody, she was this girl who I first met in school beside you two and Fallon. She helped me around the school if I couldn't find any of you three. And I guess she thought I was flirting with her since I was being polite." I looked into his eyes to see if he was lying but all I see was love and sadness in his eyes. I looked up at his hair and grinned, "I see you dyed your hair. I didn't notice at first." He touched his hair smiling. "Yeah, I dyed it mint green, for you. Do you like it?" I stood up from the swings which Xzavier quickly stood up from the ground. I wrapped my arms around his neck grinning, "I love it." I kissed him and he kissed me back without hesitation putting his hands on my waist.

"Wait, so you forgave him just like that? He did the same thing as Gabe." Fallon argued. I sat on the loveseat across from Elijah and Fallon stretched out on the couch. "That's the same thing I said." Elijah chimed in. I rolled my eyes, "First of all, Xzavier didn't sleep with her. Second of all, I love Xzavier I know he wouldn't hurt me like that." Now any ways. Fallon sighed, "Did you at least tell him to stay away from that girl, because I think you should set some type of boundaries." I chuckled nodding, "Yeah I did, I told him that he need to stay far away from her if she comes the same way as you, you turn the other way." Elijah scoffed, "I'm still going to keep my eye on him. I don't want another Gabe incident." I rolled my eyes and looked over at Xzavier who looked stunned. "Literally talked about me like I wasn't even here. That's low."

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