September 25th 2015

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The Encounters

Coming to school I can still feel myself on autopilot and knowing that Gabe still wants to talk to isn't helping. I was at my locker putting my coat and backpack in then taking out my books that I needed for my classes. As I closed my locker turned to see Xzavier grinning. I gasped a little, "Xzavier? What are you doing here?" He put his arm over my shoulder, "You didn't hear? I'm the new kid in town." I smiled feeling myself getting better knowing Xzavier's here. We started walking to my class talking about absolutely nothing until he stopped in front of us. "Bennie, can we please talk?" His voice sounded broken. Xzavier whispered in my ear, "Is this him?" I just nodded still looking straight. Gabe looked at Xzavier arm slung around my shoulder. He faced looked like someone just killed his favorite pet. Gabe looked at Xzavier and frowned, "Bennie, who's this?" I looked at Xzavier who wasn't taking his eyes off of Gabe. I looked back at Gabe who was glaring daggers at him. "This is..." I started. "It's ok babe, I got this." Xzavier cuts me off walking in front of me. Gabe frown deepened but looked at me with hurt in his eyes. "Babe?" He asked with hurt in his voice. Xzavier got in Gabe's line of vision, "Yes, as in he's moved on, as in I'm his boyfriend, as in your irritating me." I couldn't do nothing but look at the two in shock. I kind of feel bad for Gabe, but then I don't. Xzavier grabbed me by my waist and kissed me fully on my lips. His lips felt so soft even softer than Gabe's. I felt my eyes close as I melted into the kiss feeling all my worries about Gabe fly away. Xzavier pulled from the kiss putting me into a daze. Xzavier glared at Gabe, "Get the picture?" Gabe put his hands up in surrender, "Loud and clear." Gabe walked away his head hung low. I felt my heart crack a little seeing Gabe's retreating figure. But, it's for the best, right?

After the confrontation with Gabe Xzavier and I went to our class, which for some reason we have every other class together. We were at our class before lunch and I had my head down not really feeling like myself again. All I can think about is Gabe and his face looking defeated. Someone slapped me in the back of the head, which made me look back with a glare, and of course it was Fallon sitting behind me. I glared harder, "You know what I had enough of you hitting me like you fucking crazy." "Well, I've had enough of you sulking over Gabe. Get over it, he's an asshole and he got everything that has come to him. Don't feel sorry for him because he's the one who fucked up not you." She sassed back. But she does have a point. I'm always feeling sorry for him like he didn't hurt me. Maybe I should move on and forget about him. Xzavier sat in the seat beside me grinning, "Fallon's right, and I know exactly what to do." I cocked a brow, "Oh? And what would that be?" His grinned turned into a smile, "We're going on a lunch date." His smile was so contagious I couldn't do nothing but smile back.

The bell rung signaling that class was over, I grabbed my things and put them in my backpack. I looked up to see Xzavier standing by the door still having that little smile on his face. I bit my lip smiling pulling my backpack over my shoulder and walked to him. He slung his arm over my shoulder making my heart speed up. I looked over at him, "You just love putting your arm around me don't you?" He chuckled, "Well, I need everyone to know that you're mines." I frowned confused. I held up one finger, "Ok, One, when did I become yours," Then I held up two fingers, "And two, I thought you were straight?" He laughed as we got to his white hummer. My mouth dropped this baby was sexy, I think I'm in love. Xzavier seen my face and chuckled pushing my chin up to close my mouth. "I see you like my car." He said smiling opening my door for me. "Like it? I love this car, If I could I would marry this car." I said still in awe. He grinned closing my door then going to his side, then he started the car and sped off.

Once we made it to the restaurant Xzavier got out the car and ran over to my side and opened my door. I smiled, "You're such a gentleman." He smiled and winked at me as I jumped out the car. He put his arm around my shoulder again and walked us inside to the hostess. She smiled at us then looked at Xzavier arm. I mentally freaked out that she was going to say something rude or hurtful. But her smiled widened and her face brightened, "Hello, welcome to The Big House. How many will it be?" Xzavier smiled over at me then the hostess, "Two please." She grabbed two menus and walked us to our table. Once we we're seated something caught my attention. Looked at Xzavier across from me, "Hey, you didn't answer my question." He grinned, "Which one?" "Both" I chuckled. He looked up tapping his chin. "Well," He started, "You became mines when I felt you kiss me back. And I'm bi. But don't you worry I wouldn't do anything like that dickhead did to you. And that's a promise." He ended with a grin and a wink. I felt my cheeks get hot and I looked down feeling embarrassed. Ugh, I can't believe he has this type of hold over me already.

After our little lunch date, Xzavier paid for the food and then we were on our way. As we got in the car I felt a little guilty, "You know we could of went half on the bill you didn't have to pay for the whole thing." He just chuckled shaking his head, "It's ok, you'll just going to have to pay me back." I took my wallet out my coat pocket, "How much?" He put his hand over mines, "One thousand kisses." I looked up to see him smirking leaning in. I couldn't help but chuckle at him as I leaned in also. Once our lips touch I felt sparks run through my body. He cupped my face deepening the kiss which I didn't mind. He bit my bottom lip making me gasp a little making him chuckle a little. I pulled back smiling down feeling it get hot very fast. I looked up at Xzavier see that cute little grin and I couldn't do nothing but smile back feeling my heart pick up pace. Xzavier, what are you doing to me?

Once we made it to school I seen that we got there right when lunch ended. We got out the car and Xzavier walked me to my class. Once we were in front of my class Xzavier pulled me close to him, his arms around my waist as my arms wrapped around his neck. He smiled at me, "After school how 'bout you come over my house and we can hang out?" I pouted a little, "I can't, I have practice," His smile faded a little. I kissed the tip of his nose, "How 'bout this? You come to my practice and watch me dance?" His smiled came back on his face and picked me up. I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist as he held me up by my butt. "Are you going to dance for me?" He asked biting his lip. I smiled, "I mean, if that's what you want?" We leaned in and kissed like it was our last. But it was short lived when I heard the voice of a devil. "What the fuck Bennie. And Xzavier, put Bennie down he to grown to be getting picked up." Elijah voiced. I rolled my eyes as I unwrapped my legs as Xzavier let me down. I sighed as I looked over to see Elijah and Fallon but the two had totally different emotion; Fallon smirked raising her eyebrows rapidly, but Elijah had his arms crossed not looking too pleased. He grabbed my arm and dragged me into the classroom. He sat me in my seat glaring at me. "What is wrong with you? How can you do that to Gabe he is a good guy." He boomed. I frowned confused looking at Fallon, "You didn't tell him did you?" She shook her head sighing, "No, you know how Elijah is. He would kill him without having a second thought." "Ummm, hello," He waved his hands in front our face, "I'm standing right here and what are you two talking about, tell me what." I sighed knowing I was going to have to tell him sooner or later which I was hoping was later. I sighed again, "Gabe cheated on me with some girl because I wasn't ready to have sex with him." I felt myself sink back into my dark hole but Fallon slapped me. I shot up out my seat, "You know what? Let's go Sue." She frowned, "Oh hell no! Don't call me that shit." We were about to lunge at each other before Elijah stopped us. He looked at me frowning, "Bennie, what happened between you and Gabriel?" I looked at Elijah to see he was pissed. I shrugged, "I told you what happened. He cheated on me with some girl because I didn't have sex with him. What's more to say?" His hands clenched into a fist and stormed out the class even though it already started. Fuck my life, I knew this would happen that's why I didn't want to tell him.

As Fallon, Xzavier, and I was walking to my practice we seen everyone run outside. I stopped a girl, "What's going on?" "I think your brother and Gabe is going to fight." she said and continued running. I groaned and ran outside hoping I can stop my brother from killing Gabe. As I got outside I seen a big ass circle of people. I maneuvered my way into the circle just in time to see Elijah punch Gabe square in the jaw. I ran up to Elijah pushing him away from Gabe, "Elijah, that's enough. This is so unnecessary." He scowled a little, "No, what's unnecessary is him still having teeth in his mouth." He tried to push past but I used all my strength to push him back. He frowned at me, "Why are you protecting him after what he did to you?! He caused you so much pain and I vowed to myself that whoever hurt you again I would break their teeth in!" I looked up to see him starting to tear up. My vision became blurry, "You can't take your angry on Gabe because of what HE did. This is not the way you deal with this." I felt my tears roll down my face not caring who sees at this point. I pulled Elijah with me to practice hoping he would cool down. I wiped my tears as I stepped in the gym and was greeted by smiling and concerned faces.

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