August 15th 2015

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The Opportunity

After the swelling went down I was left with a nasty bruise. As I was walking to my class I heard my name being called. I turned to see Fallon walking up to me, her heels echoing through the halls. Her eyes widened when she saw my face, "Oh my god, what happen to your face?" She tried to touch my nose but I swatted her hand away, "My brother thought that it was a good idea to throw a football at my face." "Well, you weren't paying attention - wasn't my fault." I turned to say a smart comment but next to him was Gabe. I stood there speechless. He is so gorgeous I can't take my eyes off his amazing caramel skin, his gorgeous hazel eyes, and his beautiful silver hair with black roots. "Hey, is everything ok?" I blinked, looking around to see everyone looking at me, I bit my lip, looking down, "I'm going to class." I sped - walked to my fourth class period. I heard fast footsteps behind me so I stopped and turned around to see Gabe right in front of me. I didn't know how tall he was until he was standing so close to me that I stared at his chest. I looked up at him, "Why are you following me?" He chuckled. "We have the same class period together." A voice yelled, "Yeah, so do I." I looked behind Gabe to see Fallon walking up to us. Great, how can I forget that I have a sexy god and my loud best friend as classmates.

I took my seat in the back of the class next to the window when Fallon took the one next to me. She grinned at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I chuckled. She nodded at Gabe two rows ahead of us, "How did you get the new hottie and it's only the second day of school?" I shook my head, "No, it's not like that, He's just Elijah's football friend." She gave me a skeptical look, "Mmhmm, if I find out you're going out with him without telling me I will beat your ass. You got me?" I smiled and saluted her. "Yes, sir." We giggled at each other as we were just passing notes back and forth. Being in our own little world we looked up to see everyone groaning and collecting their things. I asked a random guy who was in front of me, "What's going on? Where everyone going?" He frowned, "We're getting new seats." The fuck, this is only the second day and we're already getting assigned seats? We got our thing and stood in front of the class while others were at the sides. As the teacher called names he called mines and told me to go back where I was, I jumped with joy, on the inside of course. Then he called Fallon to go sit in the front. We looked at each other and hugged each other and faked cried. "I don't want to lose you, Fallon. What will I do without you?" I "cried" out. She sniffed, "It's ok Bennie, everything will be ok. I will always be in your heart." We broke apart slowly, our hands coming undone. Once we fully broke apart I looked at her and mouthed, "I love you." And went to my seat while she went to hers. Once I sat down everyone clapped and cheered. I mean that was very realistic if you ask me, Fallon even had a few tears come out. We should be in the Drama Club. As everyone found their seats there was one person left and that was Gabe and there was one desk left, and that was next to me. God, if you're real, this is not funny.

After school I stayed after to wait on Elijah since he had football tryouts. As I sat on the bench I was scrolling through my Tumblr until I heard my name being called, "Benjamin Tucker!" I looked up to see the coach waving me over. I frowned in confusion but went on the field anyways. "What's up coach?" He grinned and patted my shoulder, "You're doing this drill with us son." My eyes widen in shock. Why am I doing drills? I'm not even part of the team. "Umm... coach not trying to be rude or anything but, why am I doing drills? I'm not even part of this team." He smirked, "Yeah, but I want to see if you have potential like your brother." I sighed and was thrown the ball. I looked at it then looked up to see everyone spread out. "Now, just throw the ball to someone who looks the farthest away." Coach explained. I looked around to see all the guys waving their hands in the air chanting, "Over here" or "Pass the ball." This is so overwhelming I don't know who to throw it at. I looked around once more to see that Elijah was the farthest away so I threw it to him as hard as I could. I was actually kind of proud of myself. The ball went higher and farther than I expected it to go. Coach chuckled, patting my shoulder. "You have quite the arm there Benjamin. Have you ever thought about playing?" I crunched my face up in distaste. "Sorry, I'm not really the sporty type." I smiled at him then walked back to the bench. I'm too fragile for sports.

After practice Elijah and I drove home. All throughout the whole car ride home Elijah non - stop kept asking me to join the team. "C'mon Bennie, it could be fun. The two of us would be unstoppable." He pleaded. I shook my head and kept my eyes on the road. "No, Elijah. You know how I feel about sports." "Ok I can teach you, Gabriel can teach you." I was silent for a moment. Do I really want to do this? It was fun when I was throwing the ball around. Or is it because he told me Gabe would help? I sighed, "Ok fine, but if I get injured it's your duty to take care of me until I get better." He smiled wide. "Yes, ok I will be your personal caregiver." He grabbed my head and kissed my cheek, making us swerve. He muttered a slight sorry with a little grin I don't know what's going to kill me first football or my psychotic brother.

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