February 29th 2016

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After what happened yesterday Elijah was been very quiet and that was unusually, especially for Elijah. All through class he had his head down not sleeping but really quiet not even annoying me as usual. I turned around slightly seeing him still with his head down. "Hey Elijah, are you ok?" I whispered. He nodded but I knew that was a lie. All day he has been like this and it was worrying me. It must be eating him up inside about the whole conversation we had. But it was so long ago and he did so much for me that it doesn't even matter. As I entered the lunchroom I seen that Elijah was nowhere to be found. I sat down next to Fallon still looking around. "Um, hey Fallon? Where's my brother?" I asked her feeling worry build up inside me. She looked at me confused, "No, I thought he was with you I was going to ask the same thing." I turned to Gabe, "Hey Gabe have you seen Elijah?" He looked at me shaking his head. I sighed and got up to go look for my brother.

If I know my brother there's two places he could be if there was something on his mind; one, playing video games or two, playing basketball. I picked the latter since it seemed more reasonable since we're in school. I made my way to the outside court to find him doing exactly what I thought he was doing. I watched him for a while as he was in his own little world. I smiled as a idea came to mind. I snuck up on him and stole the ball and shot it barely making it then quickly getting it back. He sighed, "C'mon Bennie, give it back." I grinned and held out the ball. Before he could take the ball I quickly moved passed him and made another basket. I chuckled, "C'mon Elijah, that's four to zip, are you just going to let your little brother win," I smirked, "Maybe I could ask coach..." Before I finished my sentence the ball was taken away from me and was in the basket. I turned to see Elijah with the ball dribbling it like it was second nature. He smirked, "Now it's four to two, show me what you got little bro." I smirked taking off my leather jacket and throwing it on the grass. I chuckled, "Let's do this big bro just like old times." "And you lost all those times too." He shot back. I scoffed smirking, "We'll see about that."

After the intense game of basketball, we ended with me losing thirty-four to forty-four. I got my jacket panting throwing it over my shoulder. Elijah came up from behind me and put his arm around my shoulder. He chuckled, "As always you lost and The Almighty Elijah won." I rolled my eyes shrugging his arm off me grinning. "Whatever, I let you win, just because I knew you was having a off day." I crossed my arms. He smiled weakly looking at the ground, "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just after yesterday I thought that I'm just trying to make you see that I'm not how I was when we were little, so I'm trying to protect you as much as I can." I smiled at Elijah. Even though he was beating himself up over the whole situation, I still thought of him as the best brother ever. When we were little I never blamed him for all the bullying, I still loved him I never even cared about the bullying I just wanted to be closer to my brother how his friends were to him and I feel like today, I accomplished that very thing. I hugged him smiling, "I love you Eli." He chuckled returning my hug, "You haven't called me Eli since we were little." I pulled apart and shrugged walking away grinning, "Don't let it get to your head because it was just in the heat of the moment." He ran up to me and put me in a headlock. Hearing him laugh made me smile.

We were on the way home when an amazing idea came to mind. "looked over at Elijah, "Hey, what do you think about you, Fallon, Xzavier, and myself all go out to like a little dinner. Like a double date." Elijah gave me a single chuckle, "You mean you and Fallon talk about gods knows what while Xzavier and I have small talk?" I smiled, "Exactly, and this can give you a little time to get to know more about," I looked out the window and sighed, "The love of my life." Elijah swerved the car making me hit my head on the window. He laughed, "You really like this guy, huh?" I grinned rubbing my forehead, "Yeah, I feel like he's my soul mate." I looked out the window grinning to myself thinking about Xzavier. I see Elijah look over at me then back at the road with a worry look. "Just be careful I don't want a repeat of what happen with Gabe." Elijah said worried. I shook my head, "No, Xzavier's different, he's nothing like Gabe I can honestly say that I know Xzavier loves me as much as I love him."

We made it to the restaurant with Elijah and Fallon on one side of the table and Xzavier and I on the other. Fallon and I were talking nonstop about clothes and hot celebrities. "So Bennie, you're really telling me that Dave Franco is sexier than James Franco." She asked looking horrified. I looked at her like if she was serious. "It's common knowledge. Dave Franco is the hotter brother like how can you not love that smile of his." She rolled her eyes, "They smile are alike but does Dave have that sexy jawline like James?" "But Dave has those cheeks that just makes you want to squeeze. He's just so adorable." I said sighing and grinned. "Ok let's do this. Let's agree to disagree, you have Dave and I can have James." Fallon compromised. I chuckled, "He was mines to begin with, but deal." Xzavier leaned over to Elijah, "So are we invisible? You can see me right?" I heard Elijah chuckled, "Yeah I can see you, but when it comes to Dave and James Franco these two are in there own little fantasy." Fallon and I looked over at the two and glared. "Excuse me, but this is no fantasy we will be with the Franco brothers if it's the last thing we do." Fallon protested which I nodded in agreement. Xzavier leaned over and whispered in my ear, "But do you think he can handle you like I can?" He grabbed my upper thigh and squeezed it biting my earlobe. I bit my lip chuckling trying to suppress the moan in the back of my throat. "Ew, I think I'm going to be sick." I looked up to see Elijah fake gagging. I kicked him under the table then flipped him off. He chuckled, "Alright you two love birds let's go it's getting late." We left the restaurant and all piled in the car again with Xzavier and I in the back while Elijah and Fallon got in the front. Elijah looked back at me through the rearview mirror and grinned, "Bennie, I just would like to say thanks. Today really helped me." I grinned at him, "Anything for my big brother." He chuckled looking back at the road. Xzavier put his arms over my shoulder and kissed my forehead making me lay my head on his shoulder.

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