September 16th 2015

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My Operation

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groaned turning it off, sitting up in my bed. I got out the bed to go to my side of the bathroom to do my business, get in the shower, and other hygiene things. Walking into the room I seen Elijah walking around naked. I covered my eyes and screamed, "Ahhh, why are you walking around naked!" Elijah burst out laughing, "One, this is also my room, two, because I like to air dry and you don't be up for another 20 minutes." I looked through my finger slits to see nothing but ass. I covered my eyes again, "At least you could do is put on some underwear." He sighed heavily and I heard a dresser open and close. "You can look now, God." He said. I opened my eyes to see him wearing my red superman briefs. I frowned," Hey, those are mine. I was going to wear those today." He ignored me and went to his side of the closet. I pouted getting out my green lantern briefs and slid them under my towels letting it drop. I went to my side of the closet and pulled out a black T-shirt with green cursive letters that said, "All Foods Before Dudes" With some black jeans and my custom made green and black Vans. To put the final touches on my outfit I put in my green diamond earrings. I looked at myself in the mirror then blew a kiss. "Damn I look good." I said to myself then heading downstairs to see an impatient Elijah tapping his foot. "Why does it always take you eighty-five minutes to get ready?" He asked annoyed. I Walked pass him smiling to myself, "It takes a lot to look this good," I got the keys from the key bowl, "Now let's go."

Once we got to school Gabe came up to me looking at me up and down. "Wow babe, you look good." He said eyes wide. I smiled and kissed him like I haven't just seen him yesterday. "You do know we're standing right here, right?" Elijah said. Gabe reached down and grabbed my ass making me gasp which I gave him the right to stick his tongue in my mouth making me weak in the knees. Someone tapped my shoulder making me turn around. Fallon stood there with her arms crossed. She pulled me away, "We need to talk." "Oh shit," I thought, "Here comes a headache." She pulled me into a vacant classroom. She glared at me not speaking. I sighed, "Look." "How come you didn't tell me you two were going out!?" She yelled cutting me off. I opened my mouth but she spoke again, "I know he kissed your forehead but I thought he was just very affectionate and that comment in the gym was just a joke, but now I see y'all eating each other's faces? I want answers now!" She yelled the last bit. I frowned, "Look, I was going to tell you today but you want to know everything about my love life that you were too impatient!" She crossed her arms turning around. "Fine, but I was just looking out for you." She said with her back turned. I hugged her from behind, "I know, that's why I love you. "

All day Fallon and I have been talking. She told me that her and Jaxon broke up become he was cheating on her, with some little hussy. I just died laughing. She frowned at me, "It's not funny, I can't keep a guy to save my life." I chuckled, "Maybe you should go out with my brother." I stated while putting my books in my locker and walked to lunch. I heard her gasp behind me. I turned around to see her blush like crazy. As we walked I seen Elijah and Gabe walking up to us. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I smiled to myself, "Operation: Get my best friend and my brother together starts now." I looked up to see Gabe grinning with an eyebrow cocked. "Talking to yourself again," He asked shaking his head, "Maybe we should check to see if you're ok." I rolled my eyes smiling. I heard giggling behind me and I turned to see Fallon and Elijah talking. Damn, I haven't even started the plan and it's already working, damn I'm good.

After school I had practice and Fallon tagged along. I looked over at Fallon to see her just texting away. Once we got a break from stretching I walked over to her. I sat next to her grinning, "So? Who you texting?" She smiled up at me then stuffed her phone in her pocket. "Nobody important." She said still smiling like nobody's business. I was about to comment when Ava told us to come back together. I sighed heavily running back to the little circle that was forming. "I will know what you're up to Fallon." After practice I dropped Fallon off at home. Through the whole car ride she was doing nothing but grinning and giggling. Ok then, two can play at that game.

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