September 26th 2015

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The Carnival

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I lazily got my phone from my night stand and answered it without looking at the caller I.D, "Hello?" "You still sleep? Get up or will I have to get you up myself?" Xzavier questioned. I rolled over and snuggled back into the covers, "Well, it looks like that's what you going to have to do because I'm not getting up." He chuckled then I heard footsteps running up the stairs. My door burst open making me jump up revealing a smirking Xzavier with a maroon t-shirt, khaki pants, and blue Vans. He pulled the covers off my body making me shiver in the coldness of my room. Why, why do everyone like ripping my baby away from me. I groaned and pouted, "Why? I should get a day off from school." He chuckled again, "You are, we're going somewhere special." I perked up at the sound of going somewhere special. I ran into the bathroom and cleaned myself up. After my bathroom routine, I walked in my room with only a towel on. Xzavier looked up at me from his seating position on my bed and he lick his lip then bit it. I looked down and headed to my dresser draw to pick out some random briefs. I slipped them under my towel then letting it drop. Xzavier let out a little pout which made me snicker a bit. I walked to my closet and stared in it for a good five minutes. After pondering and Xzavier rushing me to hurry up, I finally decided on a black sweatshirt with "Dope Shit" in white cursive letters on the front, black ripped jeans, and my black and white cheetah print Vans. To finish up my outfit I put in my black diamond earrings then looked at Xzavier, "Ok, I'm ready." He got up and stretched, "Does it always take you eighty-five minutes to get ready?" I rolled my eyes, "You sound like my brother," I grabbed my backpack and my phone, "And Ima tell you the same thing I tell him. It takes a lot to look this good." I walked down stairs to see my mom in the living room watching her crime shows. I chuckled, "I swear you only to watch these shows so you can take notes." She smiled at me, "You might never know what can happen." I shook my head and yelled a goodbye even though she was right there. Once we got in Xzavier car I automatically started hugging it, "Hey baby, did you miss daddy?" I kissed my seat belt stroking it. "Ummm, should I be worried?" Xzavier asked confused but was smiling. Only thing I did was nod earning a chuckle from Xzavier, he started his car and then we were off.

We were driving for a good forty-five minutes until I got irritated. I groaned loudly, "Oh my God, where are going we've been driving forever." He snickered, "We're almost there be patient." I crossed my arms and pouted like I was five. "Can you at least tell me where we going?" I asked in a whiny tone. He shook his head smiling, "You're going to love it, I promise." I didn't say anything else just looked out the window sadly thinking about Gabe and Elijah. They were good friends and all because of me they're beating the shit out of each other. I knew I shouldn't had gone out with one of his sports buddies, it only ended in disaster. The car stopped making me look over to see a big carnival but there was only a couple people here. I looked over at Xzavier, "Why we here?" He got out and came over to open my door. I got out still confused. He put his arm over my shoulder and just smiled at me, "We going on another date, this time a real date, one that's longer than fifty minutes." I grinned looking down feeling my face heat up. He lifted my chin to look at him and planted a soft peck on my lips that made my heart stop. He pulled away and stared into my eyes making me feel like his are putting me in a trance. He walked us to the ticket booth and asked for two all day tickets. The lady looked at us then at Xzavier's arm. Well, this can go good or bad no one ever knows. Her face turned up in disgust, a sign that this is going to go bad. They lady grabbed two ticket and literally threw them at us. I frowned, "Umm excuse me, that was rude as hell, I think you should apologies to my boyfriend and I." Her face scrunched up more at the word boyfriend. Xzavier bent down and picked up the tickets then glared at the lady, "Look lady, if you have a problem with us just say something instead of making your face look like a dog's ass." Xzavier grabbed my arm and dragged me into the carnival.

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