Chapter 13: A Talk Between Two

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As Chaeyoung stormed off and I said that I'd go talk to her, I realized that, I have no idea what to say to the shorter girl. I simply followed her into her room and sat next to her on her bed, silence filled the room entirely.

"So..." Is what I said, attempting to break this silence.

"Are you okay?" Is how she replied...

"I think so..."

"You're lying."

"I don't really know..."

"You can't be okay."

We stopped talking after that. It was true really, I couldn't really be okay, I mean, all of a sudden my eyes are blue, and the new girl is a vampire, and ultimately I am apparently something called a hemaphile, so really, I shouldn't be okay, but...

I don't feel all that bad.

I can see and hear extremely well, move faster than, well, move faster than a lot of things, adn I am now also stronger than a lot of things as well. Nothing bad happened I guess, other than the fact that I now have vampire bite marks on my skin and my life as a hunter is most definitly ruined.

But I guess...

I'm not really okay either. It's hard to okay after so many things happen in a day... After so much pain after fear, and of course not knowing what I really am or what I can really do... My life is just thrown out of balance, and I'm not sure if I like that...

I started to grow deeper into my thoughts until Chaeyoung sighed beside me.

"I'm sorry."

Two simple words were all she said, but they were filled with emotion beyond compare. I could tell that she felt immense guilt. I didn't really know how to respond... Should I say 'It's okay?', but it's not okay, I'm not really totally okay. It's not like I can say 'Don't do it again.', the deed is already done and I will never be able to turn away from it.

She will never be able to turn away from it either...

"Don't be."

Was how I responded, two words, once again, but I knew in myself that those words would be enough for her to understand.

"But... Now what?" I said, knowing already that well, this was probably the stupidest question I could ever ask.

"Now what... I guess we... I don't know." She replied.

I knew that she wouldn't have known... HEck, no one knows...

"But..." She said.

My ears perked up at this. I guess I am just enlightened at the fact that she may have an idea on what to do...

"We should probably start with getting you more familiar on how to blend in." She said.

"Eh?" I replied, utterly confused.

"You know, teach you how to well, act human, as I guarentee that if you try to walk as you re right now, you'll crash into a wall." She said.

"No I won-

Gosh I should have listened to her, as I got up, there was just a sudden rush of adrenaline and energy. I tried simply walking, but ended up bolting and crashing into a wall.

"I see what you mean now." I said, rubbing my head.

"Well, then let the training begin."


Watching Mina attempt to be vampire like was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Chaeyoungkeeps facepalming, I can't stop laughing.

"MINA! YOU'LL GET CAUGHT IF YOU JUST RANDOMLY GET UP AND BACKFLIP OVER A FREAKING COUCH!" Chaeyoung shouted at Mina, who had literally got up and back-flipped over the couch...

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