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The Façade of 1728
Chapter Eighteen

I woke up a little before noon, because the ship was now moving, I was awake but I squeezed my eyes shut in hopes that I would fall back asleep.. I do recall Arthur telling me that we were leaving today, but it was still so early. I took in a deep breath as I rolled on my back only to start coughing. It smelt like smoke. I sat up quickly and pried my eyes open until I began squinting to see Justin on the bed across from mine. He was sitting up with his legs crossed and a cigarette in his hands.

I rubbed my eyes harshly until my vision grew clearer, he was wearing a strange black suit and a dark green tie. I stared at him confused as he slowly looked up to meet my eyes.

"Oh.. You're awake already?" He asked.

"What are you doing?"

"... Sitting?" He replied while raising a brow, "What are you doing?"

"Don't joke with me Justin, I just woke up and you're smoking." I replied, very tired.

He smiled lightly and put out the cigarette by pressing the lit end on his palm.

I flinched and sat up to move his hand so that I could prevent him from further harming himself, "Hey stop-" I blurted only for him to exhale.

I was now standing and a foot away from him. He extended his hand and showed me his palm. There was nothing.

"I really just brought this here to look mysterious when you woke up, but when I got here, I realised it was kind of stupid because these can actually kill you.. Not immediately, but in time and with dedication."

I stared wide-eyed for a moment before he took in a deep breath and continued, "You should probably never smoke. I'd hate to see you age before you grow older. The day you ruin your body with drugs and alcohol will be a bad bad day for all of humanity."

"But don't you drink? And you used to smoke, at least you've mentioned that you did before... I thought you said you quit." I replied.

"Well yes, but it's different for me now. I can't ruin myself more than I already have. You still have a chance."

"How so?"

"You're still alive." He said coldly, "At least it's warm were I live now. I always preferred the heat to the cold if I'm being completely honest. Of course, I'm not saying hell is great by any means. I just think that since heaven and hell are opposites and hell is hot, maybe heaven is cold? Maybe you can tell me in the after life?" He smiled.

"Justin. What the hell are you even talking about?" I asked, not understanding a word of his gibberish. His smile faded.

"You should probably sit." He said.

"Sit? What are you even doing? What's wrong with you?" I asked frustrated that he just did that.

"Do you think I'm good?" He asked bluntly.

"G-Good?" I stuttered, confused, "Justin, what are you doing? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Just answer the question, _________."

It felt strange hearing him say my name.

I was silent for a moment as I stared directly at him.

He broke the eye contact and rolled his eyes as he sat back, "For example.  You - You can be described as..." He paused for a moment then smiled again, "Careful. You tend to be on the fence about many things. In that sense, you're not entirely honest but you're not entirely a liar. You're vague sometimes... Even I don't understand what you mean.. You can sometimes be oblivious to the smaller things because you're usually focused on the bigger picture, and well, despite the fact that you're a thief and liar.. You're good."

I thought about what he said for a moment, "I'm not a liar." I then said after a moment.

"Oh you kind of are. What you're not is a cheater.. You know you're a thief so there's no debating that. You're a liar because you can't just be an honest thief.. It just doesn't work like that. You understand, right?"

"I suppose the same could be said about yourself then." I replied a bit taken aback. Where was all of this coming from? I hadn't even eaten yet and he was already upset... Was he upset with me?

"How so?" He smiled, leaning back slightly as he shifted his position on the bed. I sighed as I leaned back slightly, "Justin.. Can we at least talk this over some breakfast?" I tried to reason.

His smiled slightly faded and he looked away, "Yes, I suppose.. Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you so much, I was just curious. Why don't you go on ahead? I'm going to do a thing first."

"I'll wait for you." I said, unsure what that thing was."

He frowned slightly before he stood up, he began to make his way around the bed and towards the door, "I don't want to be the reason you wait why don't-" He stopped walking once he was on the other side of the bed and froze. He quickly knelt down and picked something up.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"This..." He replied as he quickly approached me, "Look... I can't remember how this got here, but I vaguely remember this getting lost after I took it. Take it and just keep it safe.. If you ever see me ask you for it - don't give it to me, understood?" He said quickly.

"W-What?" I asked, very confused.

"F-Forget it... I guess it won't hurt to explain what it does since Kylee was able to tell her what it did before.. This gem. It can grant any wish. Anything. Don't just go on and wish for money or something stupid like happiness.. No, I'm going to need you to use it when you see fit. Save a life, okay? If everything goes as planned... If you use it wisely... You'll let me have this conversation with you right now."

I frowned but he was already walking away and he opened the door, "Justin, just wait a moment!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I know it might not make sense, but this whole time thing doesn't make much sense to me and I've been doing it longer than I've been alive. I'm real sorry if it doesn't make sense.. I truly am, but I must go now.. Goodbye, for the final time. Goodbye. I won't see you now for another what... like two hundred eighty-something years..."

He paused as he walked half way out the door, "It's sad that I counted it from your end. In truth I will see you again in an hour or so from my perspective and... A life for a life, ______... Stay out of the water if you can't swim."

My eyes widened as I quickly ran after him. He shut the door before I managed to reach him and even though it took but a second to open the door, he was gone...

I stood in the open doorway with my hand on the doorknob.

In my other hand, the curious green gem...

A life for a life...

Did he mean-?

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