You Must Choose.

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The Façade of 1728
Chapter Ninteen
You Must Choose.

Since we were on a moving ship, there weren't many places Justin could have gone off to.. I found him standing on the top deck, just looking out at the sea blankly while Arthur sailed the ship calmly.

"Justin!" I frowned as I approached him.

He glanced over at me and looked kind of tired. He had dark circles under his eyes and he looked cold even though the sun was up and bright..

"Don't shout... You're going to make my head hurt more." He said, closing his eyes and crossing his arms as he tired to not shiver.

"... When did you change clothes, Justin?" I asked.

"What do you mean, love? He was with me all morning, and he's been here chatting with me since we set sail." Arthur spoke up.

"Impossible. He was just in my room and he was wearing strange black clothes and a green tie around his neck. I know what I saw.!" I explained.

Arthur's eyes widened, "Oh, then it was just the demon, I wonder what he wanted. He's been rather suspicious when he's been here. I wonder what happened to him. He used to be more outgoing and sardonic. Now he's just rushed and stressed." Arthur looked over at Justin, "Justin. You are rather peculiar in that sense. What have you done that is enough to send you to hell?"

"I probably end up killing you for saying that I'm going to hell. Piss off old man." Justin hissed.

Arthur laughed lightly, but I frowned, "What kind of joke are you even playing on me? It's far too early for this, you two..."

"It's not a joke, love, you'll understand one day..." He shivered, "I hate saying it like that, but it's true. One day."

I had the green gem in my hand, it wasn't that big so it's not like it was visible in my hand. I took in a deep breath to try to relax myself. I'm not even sure why I was getting so fed up with the situation. Joke or not, I shouldn't be as angry as I was, "Where's Alfred at?" I asked.

"Oh, he's probably eating." Arthur replied, "He and Justin got into a fight last night, that's why Justin is a bit hungover and Alfred is swallowing his pride... _______, why don't you sit here with me? Your company always brightens my day!" He grinned.

I raised a brow, "Arthur, why are you in such a good mood? No offence, but you of all people. What happened to turn everyone's personality upside down?"

"I am unsure, but I believe that because Alfred is America, he needs to return to his own country for a while just to freshen up... It's a bit strange to explain, don't you think?" He laughed, "But we are first going to stop there before we turn to go to England. I have the most splendid of places that you must see!"

"Splendid of places." Justin mocked.

"Places like what?" I asked, intrigued.

"Well, I know how you feel about me comparing or thinking of you to be exactly like the old ______ I used to know back in the 13th century, but I'd still appreciate if you'd visit her old home with me. It's got a grim history, but I demanded that the entire property remain as it was." He said seriously.

"What do you mean by that?" I wondered aloud.

"Well, for starters, after she past away and Justin took Johnny to hell-"

"Johnny sounds like a stupid name." Justin muttered, his eyes closing slowly as he sat down and leaned against a barrel to sleep off the hangover.

I laughed lightly, "Well, after that, her parents had no one to own their property or take care of the land, so I offered a great amount of money in exchange for the property.. They hesitated at first, but I solemnly swore to allow them to stay there as it was their only home and they would have had no place else to go to. So, I protected their home as if it were my own.. I mean, it technically was by that point, but you know what I mean. Anyways, after the lovely couple passed, they were buried beside their only daughter." Arthur gulped and he looked up at the blue sky, "Never mind that, I've kept the property cleaned and restored so that it can keep it's original beauty. In fact, I've even tried my best to keep the furniture and art as similar as possible to the original. I hate to brag but, I've done quite a marvelous job at keeping it as exact as possible!"

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