Date Night

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The Façade of 1728
Chapter Twenty-Two
Date Night

"What could she have meant?" I asked.

"I'm unsure but it was very confusing... while neither f us seemed to understand what she meant overall-" he stopped, "Wait, could she have been a demon?" Arthur wondered.

"It sounded like she was trying to help us... and she called us cuties!" I smiled.

"Yes, but even the demons I've met before have tried to help us because in the end, they win because it's a part of their overall plan." Arthur explained.

"I feel she was being sincere." I responded.

"Nonetheless, I'm going to warm everyone... including that idiot, France. I should have my friend look into this as well." He said seriously.

"You have friends?" I asked with a grin.

"Haha. I'm laughing." He said whilst squinting at me.

"Right well, who's your friend?" I asked.

"He's a man by the name Osiris... he's very good at what he does but what he does isn't very good." He said nonchalantly.

I suddenly felt my heart stop as I repeated the name, "Osiris?"

"Yes. Believe it or not, but he used to be alive back in the 13th century. He began his work as a servant to the lovely, _________ Kirkland, but then after her passing, he rose and became a lead adviser to her father! After both of them passed away, he decided to start over or something... I didn't see him again until the 16th century and since then, I've had him do odd jobs for me."

I blinked twice as I tried to comprehend everything he just said, "Arthur. Did you just give the girl you used to know your last name?" I asked.

He nodded slowly as he pulled on the small silver chain around his neck that hide beneath his clothes. At the bottom of it hung two silver rings. One big. One small.

"I never gave it to her, so I wear it and it feels like I'm with her." He replied softly.

I couldn't help my curiosity, "Arthur, do you still love her?"

He was quiet for a moment before replying, "You have no filter... I hate comparing you to her because I understand you aren't the same and I don't want to make you feel that I care about you simply because of her... but she didn't have a filter either. I loved that. Always speak your mind, understand? Don't let anyone stop you from saying what you want to say simply because it could offend them, okay?"

He smiled lightly.

I know he ignored my question.

He knows it too...

"Oh! Let's go eat there!" I said, pointing to a random food shop. I'd never seen it before, but I couldn't stand the uncomfortable silence.

"Alright, have you been there before?" He asked, not understanding that just because I lived in America, that I had never even been to this area...

"Ya. It's great." I said bluntly, pulling on his arm as I lead the way in.

Upon entering, we were bombarded with the strong smell of fish and loud people. I immediately regretted all my decisions that lead me to this point.

"You have a strange taste in eating locations." Arthur commented as he scanned the area for an empty table, "Ah, this way." He spoke, taking my hand gently and leading the way towards it.

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