{Chapter 15}

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He ended up calling a girl over


Baekhyun had returned in the middle of the night. When he got to the floor where the room he was staying in with Chanyeol, he could hear the 'pleasure' that was going inside the room. He shook his head and sighed. Baekhyun's vision got blurry.

He knew that there was no valid reason for Baekhyun to be crying, the 'couple' had barely officially met a day or two ago. He knew he hadn't fallen in love with the person that was inside the room with a female. But knowing that he would never have a good relationship with someone instantly made him feel sorrow.

All along, Baekhyun had wished he would've gotten to marry someone he loved and that it wouldn't turn into an Artificial Love. He had hoped to be a happy couple with his other half; nevertheless, things in this world never go as planned. He had wished for something that might've been too much.

Lay; who was in back of Baekhyun, sighed. Like everyone else, he was blunt about the 'love' the couple had. He believed everything and he thought Baekhyun was going through pain right now. Not physical pain, but internal pain. The type of pain that a pill would never be able to cure. He shook his head but looked up at Baekhyun when he heard laughter coming from the male in front of him.

Baekhyun was laughing at how pathetic he might've looked. He rubbed his eyes, clearing the tears that were threatening to fall. He kept laughing then turned around to Lay. "I can't believe I once thought I would marry someone I truly loved and that we would live happily ever after" Lay was beyond confused at this point. "What do you mean Baekhyun?" Baekhyun sighed and stopped laughing. "I mean that I'm truly stupid. I forgot you don't know" He giggled "I don't love the man that is inside the room fucking a random girl. He doesn't love me either" Lay's eyes widened. "W-what? You mean you don't love him?!" Baekhyun nodded while smiling "Yep...I mean that." Lay shook his head. "No way. Are you telling me your marriage was all a set up made by your families? Damn...sorry Baekhyun" Baekhyun nodded and pouted. He seemed to be bipolar at the moment.

After a few minutes of just standing there, the noises had finally stopped so Baekhyun went inside the room. He didn't bother to look towards the bed and just immediately went over towards the closet. He thought they were both asleep but he was wrong. The female wasn't. She sat up, covering her body with the blanket. "What are you doing here?" Her tone was irritating and clearly annoyed and disgusted by Baekhyun.

Baekhyun got startled but proceeded to getting his clothes inside the suitcases he had. The female got annoyed because Baekhyun wasn't answering. "Answer me before I call security and they drag your ass out of this room" Baekhyun kept packing his clothes, he sighed. "Look you filthy bitch, don't talk to me like that. I can have you dead at any time so calm the fuck down Peter" Baekhyun didn't feel like answering and he had just named the female Peter.

The female gasped. "Peter? Who the fuck do you think you are?" Baekhyun sighed once again and rolled his eyes. "I am clearly someone that has a higher position than you, peasant. Now if you can shut the fuck up already I'd be thankful" Baekhyun zipped the suitcases when he was done packing all of his clothes and makeup. The woman just stared at him. "I know I am hot but stop staring at me, you're getting on my nerves already" Baekhyun groaned. He took his phone out called Yixing, informing him to go inside the room he is in. Yixing was in front of Baekhyun a few seconds after. "Lay, could you help me take these-" He pointed towards the suitcases "to the lobby?" Yixing nodded "Yea" He got the suitcases, damn did Baekhyun bring a lot of things only to stay for a week.

The female kept staring at them, by this time Baekhyun was wearing sunglasses even though it was dark and the sun was shining on the other side of the world.

(A/N he looked like that^^) "Who are you?" Baekhyun rolled his eyes

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(A/N he looked like that^^)
"Who are you?" Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Like I've said before, someone that has a higher position than you, peasant. Like way way higher" Baekhyun walks out of the room, Chanyeol being oblivious to Baekhyun even being in the room.

 Like way way higher" Baekhyun walks out of the room, Chanyeol being oblivious to Baekhyun even being in the room

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(A/N Jk~like this)

Baekhyun thanked Yixing for helping him. He got his phone out and dialed the number for another luxurious hotel. He reserved two rooms, one for Yixing and the other one for himself. He hung up and called his driver. The driver was outside the hotel in minutes. He went over to Baekhyun and helped Yixing put Baekhyun's luggage inside the car.

Baekhyun went inside the car and waited for Yixing and the driver to do the same. The driver turned the car on. "where to?" Baekhyun gave him the address to the hotel he would be staying in for the rest of the 'honey moon' The driver nodded and drove to the hotel. After what seemed like 15 minutes, the driver stopped the car in front of the hotel. Baekhyun got down and walked inside the hotel without a problem.

The driver and Yixing took the luggage inside the hotel. Baekhyun went back to them with two golden cards. Baekhyun pointed towards the elevator with his phone. "let's go. We got two VIP rooms waiting" He walked towards the elevator with Yixing and the driver trailing in back of him. They went inside the elevator and hardly fitted because of Baekhyun's suitcases. "why do you bring so many suitcases Baekhyun" Yixing asked. "One suitcase for each day of the week. There is atleast 8 outfits in every singke suitcase and there is also make up inside there.

The elevator did a 'ding' noise, and the doors opened. They walked out and went inside Baekhyun's room. They set the luggage down. Baekhyun smiled at both of them "Thank you to both of you" He took off the glasses and set them in the night table. He gave money to the driver and tried to give some to Yixing but he would shake his head and say it wasn't necessary. Yixing had settled in the room in front of Baekhyun's. He had plopped himself on the bed and was currently dreaming about unicorns.

Baekhyun changed into night clothes and laid on the bed. He covered himself with the blankets and drifted off to sleep.


A/N it is 5 am...and I got inspiration to write right now...and I also got hunger....anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter and now I will go to sleep since my eyes are closing.


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