{Chapter 18}

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To others, days like this would've been extremely boring, but to Chanyeol, after a long day working for the kingdom, the part he enjoyed the most was watching Baekhyun's face intensely.


Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into days. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years. It had been a year since Baekhyun had entered coma. (A/N In other words 3 months have passed) Chanyeol's visits became less frequent. The kingdom started suffering economically. Not serious enough to have a huge impact on it, but enough to see a small change.

Chanyeol hadn't visited Baekhyun for two weeks already. The tall man with fairy like ears, was sitting in his office, reading a few documents when his father went inside the room. Chanyeol looked up and stood up immediately. He bowed down to his father before directing him to sit down in a chair in front of his desk. His father sat down before resting his arms on the glass desk.

Chanyeol cleared his throat. "Yes father?" Chanyeol's dad sat straighter than before and looked at Chanyeol in the eye. "Chanyeol, I think you will need to find a new bride or husband. Baekhyun doesn't look like he will wake up anytime soon" Chanyeol sighed before glaring at his father briefly and standing up. "No. I won't. You made me marry Baekhyun when I clearly didn't love him. And now you want to make me marry someone else?!"

Chanyeol's father sighed too. "Son, you have to understand. There's a big chance Baekhyun will die! You need to marry someone!" Chanyeol shook his head. "He won't die..." He slammed his hands onto the desk, his vision getting blurry little by little. He still kept eye contact with his father. "He can't die. I won't let him die..." A tear fell from Chanyeol's eye.

Chanyeol's father rolled his eyes before standing up. "And what will you do?!?! Tell me! You'll be his cure and wake him up?! This will turn out like Sleeping Beauty and with a kiss you'll wake him up?!?! This is reality and it won't work like that! You better start looking for someone else to marry and that's final Park Chanyeol" His father shook his head once more before walking out of the room.

A few more tears escaped Chanyeol's eyes before he wiped them away. Even if it had taken Chanyeol years to appreciate Baekhyun, he was starting to do so. Chanyeol grabbed his car keys before leaving the room, slamming the door way too hard on his way out. He got weird stares from people who worked for him. Clearly ignoring everyone around him, Chanyeol walked downstairs and outside of the palace. He unlocked his car before getting inside, turning the engine on and driving away from the palace.

After fifteen minutes of driving, Chanyeol parked his car. He got off after putting his sunglasses on. He locked his car before walking inside the hospital. Knowing the way perfectly to Baekhyun's room, Chanyeol made it to his room without any trouble. He was currently sitting next to Baekhyun. A sigh escaped his lips. "Why don't you wake up Baekhyun? I need you to wake up...I don't want to marry someone else." Baekhyun's body didn't move, he didn't open his eyes, he stayed in the same form he was before; motionless.

Chanyeol's eyes got watery. "For fuck's sake I need you to wake up Bacon!" The tall man wiped the tears away before just staring at Baekhyun's perfect face. Minutes passed, though for Chanyeol it seemed like hours. The way he intensely stared at Baekhyun's face was far too scary. His eyes looked like they could pop out at any moment.

Hours passed and Chanyeol ended up falling asleep with his head resting on top of Baekhyun's hands. Outside of the room, people passed carelessly. They didn't see the beautiful scene that was inside of the room. The door opened and a small male with a taller male following him walked inside. The taller male had his hands wrapped around the others waist, clearly telling everyone he was his. The blonde male squeaked when he saw them. He turned around to his boyfriend. "Look Sehun-ah!~ They look so cute together~ OTP!!" He jumped up and down. (A/N I'm like 99.9% sure I got the Sehun-ah part wrong....correct me if I did^_^)

Sehun, the taller male chuckled before covering his boyfriends mouth by giving him a gently kiss. "Yes they are cute. But Chanyeol is asleep, and I don't want Chanyeol to wake up. Get your phone out Luhan-ah" (A/N and the Luhan-ah part too...) Luhan did as he was told. He handed his phone to Sehun. "What do you need it for Sehunnie?" He tilted his head to the side cutely. Sehun was about to scream because of Luhan's cuteness. "Stop being cute Luhan!~" He whined. Luhan chuckled softly. "I can't stop being cute because it is a natural thing, not that you would know" He giggled as Sehun gave him a '100% done with you face' "I am manly atleast" "Manly?! Oh Sehun is manly?! Ha! Don't make me laugh. You screamed and ranned around the house when you saw a spider." Sehun glared at his boyfriend. "whatever" He turned his full attention to Luhan's phone before opening the camera. Luhan wrapped his arms around Sehun's waist. If he could, he would've rested his head on Sehun's shoulder; but Sehun was too tall. "What are you going to do Sehun?" Sehun ignored him before separating himself from Luhan and trying to find a good angle for a picture.

He took a picture and uploaded it onto his social media.
'OTP!! #RelationshipGoals #KingAndQueen #BaekhyunIsTheQueen #WaitingForTheBacon #MAINOTP'
The beautiful scenery of Baekhyun and Chanyeol sleeping was taken.

Sehun smirked before giving Luhan his phone and grabbing his hand before lacing their fingers together. He lead Luhan to the door. "We should go." Luhan nodded before going over to Baekhyun and kissing his forehead. "Wake up soon" Sehun grabbed Luhan by the waist tightly and took him out of the room after scolding him. "You can't kiss other men besides me. I don't care where you kiss them at. Your lips are mine mine and mine and no one else's. Enough said" Luhan nodded once again and sighed before dropping his head. Sehun grabbed Luhan by the chin before raising his head and giving him a kiss. "Let's go get Bubble Tea now shall we?" Luhan smiled and nodded.

Chanyeol woke up hours after the HunHan couple had left. He was awoken by rings that kept coming from his phone. He groaned before looking at the screen of his phone and unlocking it. He went on his social media and saw he had been tagged by Sehun on a picture. He clicked on the picture and blushed when he saw it.

The comments people had left where getting him more embarrassed. Many people left really nice comments while others didn't. He looked up from his screen to Baekhyun and saw that the smaller male had opened his eyes. Chanyeol was about to drop his phone until he remembered he loved it too much. He got closer to Baekhyun. "Baekhyun?! You are awake?!?!" He called nurses and doctors before getting kicked out of the room so they could check up on Baekhyun.


(A/N So Baekhyun woke up. Chanyeol is starting to like Baekhyun😏😏☺️ ChanBaek will happen!!! Or maybe not... TORORO TORORORORO~

Please vote and comment. I like reading the comments. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter. Anyways, moving on,

BEAT DROPS!!!!! DEM DABS THO😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Listen to that song if you haven't

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