Chapter 3

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Melody's POV

Chris and I walk around the school trying to find our math class. Then we heard the final bell.

"Great we're going to be late for our first class," I mutter.

Then I see someone. I go to the person and say.

"Erm...sorry could you please tell me where Mr River's advanced math class is?"

The guy looks at me tentatively then says,"Let me guess from Lakewood?"

I nod.

He sighs, "Go straight down this passage then turn right it's the first classroom you'll see."

Then he walks on, what a nice guy-anyone notice my sarcasm? We follow his directions and eventually get to class. Only one massive problem we're ten minutes late for our first class! Great.

I bite my bottom lip. Chris sees my facial expression and tries to tell me we're not gonna get into trouble. Keyword tries. He obviously failed. I mean how can I be okay when we're ten minutes late. I really don't want a detention on my first day at this hell hole. He knocks on the door and we walk in.

Mr River looks at us and says,"Melody and Chris right?"

I croaked out a quiet "Yes."

The girls are giving me death glares. Like why? What did I do to yo-Then it hits me... They can't possibly think. My thoughts were interrupted by Mr River.

"I don't know how it worked at your old school but here you will be on time for my class, always. The two of you can find another time to suck each others faces."

I stare blankly at him. I am so tempted to laugh in his s face right now. I mind link Chris.

"He thinks we were-Ya" interrupts Chris.

I look at Mr River and say, "Excuse me sir but just because the students at this school normally come late to class for that reason does not mean it's the reason we're late. We're new here and don't know our way around. Plus I would never make out with him" I say pointing to Chris. "His my best friend nothing more."

Mr River looks taken back by my sudden outburst and says, "Just find your designated seats and don't be late for my class again."

After he said that he continued teaching the class. I smirked because I had enough guts to put the old man in his place then zoned out of the entire lesson.

I was thinking about why I had come to this dumb high school in the first place. Time for a....

You guessed it flashback.

~flashback ~

Almost one month ago our pack was attacked. We were attacked by a group of rogues. These were no ordinary rogues, they came to our pack looking for a white shifter who had healing powers.

But white wolves are extremely rare. Probably one in every billion-if your lucky. Being rare and having other powers or abilities is what makes the white shifter so special. Rogues only want a white shifter to use it for it's powers.

It's not the first time they came to our pack looking for the white shifter

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It's not the first time they came to our pack looking for the white shifter. The first time I know of them entering our territory was when I was nine. That day my parents died, they died with the secret of who this special white shifter was. This was almost nine years to the day.

At the time Ash was only 16 but had to take the Alpha position. Surprisingly he made a great Alpha. When the rogues came back they bought back the old memories we had all tried to forget. I was the main person who tried to forget but this will forever be imprinted in my mind.

During the more recent fight between the rogues and our pack, Ashton managed to injure their leader so they had to retreat. After they retreated Ash found a place for us to relocate the entire pack for safety.

All of this happening makes me think of my parents sacrificing themselves to keep the rogues from getting hold of the white wolf. I can't help but feel guilty about their death. After all I saw everything from my hiding spot. I was just too shocked to react and do anything.

What most people don't know is that they died protecting me. I'm the white shifter the rogues have been after for nine years. They came back just to get me. I'm the reason my parents died, I could of saved them if I wasn't frozen in shock. After my parents death I hardly ever shift or use my healing powers unless it's completely necessary. Completely necessary hardly ever comes so I guess I never use my powers.

The bell rang and maths ended I ran out of the class. Chris caught up with me he asked if I was okay. I told him I was fine just thinking about the attacks on our pack.

He gave me a concerned look and said, "I know what you're thinking Mel and none of this is your fault."

I just brushed him off. I didn't feel like having this conversation now.

Too many sad memories for one day. I can't help but wonder, if I had given myself up to the rogues there's a chance my parents would still be alive.

I wish this was my old school right now, because then I could just skip class and go to the music room to distract myself. I would forget all my worries when I was in the music room because I could sing my heart out and play instruments. I used to do this until I felt better.

Music has always been my escape from the world.

The teachers wouldn't mind since they knew my sappy sad story. I was allowed to clear my head in the music room whenever I felt like it. They didn't even care if I bunked school for an whole day.

I shook my head, I need to get through this day. Let's just hope it flies by in the blink of an eye.

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