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I got up the next more but Daniella wasn't beside me. She must have left. I pulled the covers off me getting up and stretching. I took up my phone that was on my bedside table. Then I noticed Daniella left the freaking bowl in my room. She always does this. I had a message from Ed with the info for the gig.

Going into the bathroom I took a shower and changed out of my pyjamas into shorts and a crop top.

"Good morning," I said when I entered the kitchen, gran making breakfast and Daniella on her phone.

"Morning" they said in unison. I took a seat around the table then gran placed a plate of pancakes and Bacon in front of me with orange juice.

The door bell rang and gran quickly went to get it. "Maybe its Ed," Daniella winked at me, I rolled my eyes at her. I wish it was Ed though to be honest but he's probably busy getting ready for his gig tonight. The thought of seeing him tonight made a smile form on my face.

But it soon faded away when gran walked in followed by my mother. "Iyona your mother wants to speak with you," she said. I sat there waiting for her to speak then gran, interrupts, "privately," she emphasised on the word.


I sat on my bed facing my mother waiting, hoping that it's something good she's going to say. I watched her as she studied the walls of my room looking at each and every poster.

"Do you hate me?" She asked her voice had a bit of hurt in it, she looked at me waiting for a reply.

"I don't hate you," I looked down at my feet then back at her. "You don't have to lie Iyona,"

"I'm not," I quickly replied.

"Then tell me truth,"

Since when did she care if I hate her or not? I sigh

"I don't hate you I hate how you make me feel about myself," I've never talked about how she made me feel I was always too scared she'll put be down and made me rethink what I said and feel guilty.

"And how did I make you feel about you self?"

This feels strange she never cared about my feelings or so I thought but that's how it felt back home.

"Like I wasn't good enough, insecure and like I couldn't make you proud of me no matter what I did."  

Her eyes were filled with hurt as she walked over to me sitting down. "I'm sorry,"she placed her hand on mine, I was a bit shocked she never apologised. Well not to me. "And I want you to forgive for me what I've put you through."

I stayed quiet knowing what to say. It's not that easy to say "I forgive you" I've been through hell with her.

"You don't have to say it right away I'll give you time to think about it I just don't want to leave here knowing we're not on good terms."

This is going to take a lot of thinking.


"She asked for your forgiveness!?" Daniella asked shocked placing a hand on her chest and other still on the steering.

"Yes, could you keep both your hands on the steering I want to arrive at the gig in one piece," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm gonna stop giving you rides if you don't stop rolling your eyes at me," she huffs.

"Sorry mom," I laughed,

"So what did you say?"she urges me to speak.

"Nothing but she said she's giving me time to think about it," I shrug. I have to think about this quick because she leaves in three days.

When we arrived at the gig a security guard met up with us to take us backstage were we saw Ed talking to Stuart. He excused him self coming over to us.

"Hey guys you made it," he smiled pulling me into hug, he pulled back placing a kiss on my cheek, I blushed. Hard. "Is there a bathroom I can use?"Daniella asked.

"Down the hall to your right,"Ed told her , she scurried off.

Stu walked over to us a blond girl beside him. I've seen her before but I can't remember her name.

"Ah Ed Ellie is here,' stu says motioning to the girl. Ellie Golding yep that's her name. She's a singer I've listened a few of her songs but to me her voice is just annoying.

"Iyona meet Ellie she's a guest tonight," Ed introduced. She extends her hand for me to shake which I accept, "I love your hair," she smiles.
"Thank you," I reply with a smile.

Daniella came back and was introduced to Ellie and Stuart. Stu infirmed Ed he had five minutes until he had to go on. Ed got his guitar while the rest of us walked to the curtains where we'd be watching the two perform.

I looked out seeing all the sheerios screaming for Ed. The thought of having to stand in front of so many people would scare me.

"Don't you get nervous?" I ask Ed standing beside me.

"Sometimes, but it goes always when I start singing." 

"Ed you're on now," someone informs and he nods.

"I'll see you after the show love," he leans in and I thought he was going to kiss my cheeks but instead he kissed my lips. 

Whaaaaaaattt just happened? And Ellie in my story? Please don't hate me hate Ellie. Anyways


The book is almost finished guys about three chapters left. Comment and vote. Also imagine that my follow button is ed's ass and tap that. 😏😏

Sheerio tits

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