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Ed's POV

What did I just do?

You finally grew some balls and kissed her.

I don't know what came over me, I just kissed her and it left this tingly feeling inside of me. Just that little kiss makes me feel complete. Her soft lips on mine warmed me up inside.

As I was performing with Ellie all my attention was on Iyona, it was really funny to see her fangirling the whole time and daniella looking at her as if she's crazy. After getting off stage Ellie suggested we all go get drinks but stu declined because he wanted to go home and get some rest.

A few minutes later we all arrive at a club called Illusion. I hope we don't get caught by the media. God knows what kind of story they would make up that would spread in the blink of an eye.

"Time to get wasted!" Daniella yelled. She made her way to the front to get a drink but was pulled back by Iyona. "Ah no, remember you have to drive me home."

"Don't worry about that I can take you home," I smiled putting  my arm around her shoulder. "Thanks," she smiled. Ellie called us over to the bar where she order some shots.

"You guys can thank me later," she holds up a glass we did the same downing the drink really fast. A few more rounds of drinks and I had to use the restroom, I excuse my self.

I finished my business then washed my hands leaving. Walking through  the hallway I see Ellie standing at the entrance, "what are you doing?" I ask she just shrugs in response. A smirk appears on her face as she starts coming closer to me my back against the wall.

"You know you're a really handsome guy," she place her hands on my shoulders. Before I knew it her lips were on mine and I couldn't  find the urge to push her away. The sound of the female rest room's door closing made me pull away from her. And there stood Iyona with pure shock.

"Oops?" Ellie giggled.

"No Iyona wait-" I called out but she walked out. I looked at ellie who was just standing there smirking. "What the fuck was that for? "

"That was only a small portion of it dear," her annoying voice ringing through my head. "How am I going to explain what just happened?" I pulled at my hair frustrated.

"You don't have to it's not like she means anything I'm right here I'm all for you other than some fan," she scuffed.

"Don't you fucking dear call her a fan she's more than that,' I said through gritted teeth. Anger boils in me as I try not to slap this bitch senseless. Of only I wasn't a guy.

"Whats so special about her?"

"I like her a lot she's not some fucked up person like you with a shitty voice," I stormed off to find Iyona to explain the crap that just happened. I walked over to the bar but she wasn't there I ran outside with hoping I caught her in time which I did.

"Iyona it's not what you think-" she cuts me off.

"Don't bother apologizing, I get it I'm just a fan to you so it wouldn't matter who you go around kissing," a tears falls in her cheek making me feel like shit for making her cry.

"Its not like that I swear." She shakes her head getting in the car leaving me alone. A group of paparazzi starts coming over to me a taking  pictures I quickly made it to my car driving away.   

I'm so sorry for the late update and the short chapter I have sever writes block and 10th grade is shit I have 3 biology  labs to write up and 1 chemistry. I hate chemistry  I want to choose another subject but it's too late sooooo fml. I've been feeling really sad lately and I loose the interest to write.

I found out recently  my biology  teacher listens to Halsey ssksjbessbdnd. Annnnnddd I finally got to meet my best Sheerio friends well not like meet but we freaking  skyped OMG I love them so much. I get to Skype them today too (;

Question:  how is school?

Answer: it's hard so I'm gonna drop out and become  a stripper........ jk...... maybe 😶😶

Sheerio tits ✌✌

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