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She was completely drunk. I could tell by how she was dancing and laughing with that guy. Or she had completely forgotten about me and moved on. Oh God I can't take this. I got up but was pulled back by Murray.

"Where are you going?" He asked. I looked over to Iyona and he understood. Murray and Iyona never met but I told him everything I could about her even how we met.

"She looks totally wasted," he chuckled. Of course she was and I want to go get her before she did anything stupid. I pulled her away from the guy and brought her outside for a bit of fresh air.

"Oh my God teddy," she threw her arms around me giving me a bear hug. "I missed you,"

If she wasn't drunk she probably wouldn't say that. I hugged her back,"I missed you too."

Daniella came rushing outside breathing heavily. "Jesus Christ you found her babe I thought I lost you," she pulled Iyona into a hug.

" Can I take her home?" Daniella looked a bit unsure but agreed because iyona's grandmother wouldn't want to see her like this. It was a bit hard getting her into the car.

"You're so beautiful," she slurred. "And warm you're like a big teddy bear," she hugged me again.

"I don't think men are supposed to be called beautiful," I chuckled trying to put her seatbelt on but she kept moving.

"Please stop moving."

"Do I have to wear this thing it's uncomfortable," she whined.

"Yes, now sit still," I buckled her in sighing in relief then closing the door. I jogged over to my side and slipped in starting the car and driving onto the busy road.

I parked the car in the driveway and turned it off Iyona was out the door the before I knew it. She staggered over to me and I held her hand as I opened the door and we both went inside. Iyona saw Graham and rushed over to him kneeling down.

"Oh my god Graham I'm such a big fan, im Iyona nice to meet you," she took his paw and shook it. "He's so adorable," she gushed.

"I'll go get you something to changed into, if your hungry the kitchen is that way," I informed her, she picked up Graham going into the kitchen. I got in my room changing into a white T-shirt and sweatpants. I picked out one of my t-shirts and a pyjama shorts. I hope they aren't too big.

I went into the kitchen but I only say Graham. She's probably in the bathroom I thought. I checked the bathroom and their she was hugging the toilet. I held her hair for while she threw up. Then I noticed she changed her hair colour.

After getting her cleaned up and changed I tucked her in my bed. I turned off the lights and was about to leave but she stopped me. "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Her voice soft. I was going to sleep on the couch in case she gets up and is still mad at me about the whole Ellie thing.

"Sure love."

She scoots over holding up the cover I get under and she pulls me close resting her head on my chest, I wrap my arms around her.

"Night Edward."

"Night love."


Iyona's POV

My head was pounding and it was preventing me from get  anymore sleep. I pushed the covers off me sitting up from the bed. This is one of the other reasons I promised not to drink again. Ed wasn't beside me only Graham and some clothes that looked like mine.

"Your friend dropped them off this morning," I heard his voice from the door way. I nod my head. The bed sunk his presence beside me. "She said she's visiting her mom she'll be back on Sunday."

It was Wednesday, three days without my bean.

Silence fell upon the both of us, it felt awkward I wanted him to say something or me I never understood why Im so bad with words. I excuse myself to shower and get dressed, I moved slowly going about this because every step I take I feel my head pounding.

After my shower I put on the clothes Daniella left for me, blue jeans, a T-shirt that had Smile Jamaica written on it and my black converse. I neatly fold the clothes I took off leaving them on the bed. I go in search of Ed which I found in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Feel any better?" He ask.

"Shhh not too loud," I held my head as I sat around the island. Gosh I which this hangover would go away.

"Maybe this would help," he hands me a glass of water and an aspirin I mumbled a thank you swallowing the pill and drinking half of the water.

"I'm sorry," he voiced. I looked him in the eyes he looked hurt it made my heart sink in my chest.

"No don't be, like I said I'm just a fan," I frown running my index finger around the rim of the glass. He placed the cup on the island then walked over to my side. He spins me around cupping my face with his hands, his piercing blues eyes stare into my dark brown ones. My heart rate speeds up.

"I didn't kiss Ellie she threw herself onto me and stop saying you're just a fan because you're not Im freaking in love with you."

Fuck what do I say? He wasn't lying if could see it in his eyes. But what do I say when he basically just poured his feelings out and said he's in love with me. I was left speechless only one thing came to mind and I did it. I crashed my lips unto his, I felt him relax and smile into the kiss as our lips move in sync, I wrap my arms around his neck placing them into his soft hair.

We pulled away the same time to catch our breath.

"I'm in love you too you idiot," I laugh kissing him again.

*Cringe* this is so bad I'm sorry. I was writing this then habits by tove lo came on and I stopped for a while thinking about sexual things with Ed oops?

The book is almost over but I published another book it's called DEEP QUOTES where I just write little quotes that help with my sad soul hehe PLEASE CHECK IT OUT.

Question: how are you?

Answer: I'm gr8 even tho my cats refuse to cuddle with me (:

TayDR_ToTplease please please update love bites

Sheerio tits✌✌

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