Chapter 1

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Author's noteHey guys if you haven't so already please read My Best Friend first!! Ily and hope you guys enjoy (:

There I am, in the funeral coffin. I see all the people who I adore putting flowers on the fake me. I decided to leave. I got into the car I'm renting and left to the airport.


"Jessica!" I yelled.

"What happened Bella?" She asked as she ran into the bathroom where I'm at.

"It's positive. Jessica I'm pregnant."

*2 weeks later*
"Congratulations Bella Ramirez. You are Officially part of the NYPD." The sheriff Joe said as he put a badge on my uniform. I saluted and went down stairs.

Perfect I am now a cop. I started to feel nauseous I quickly ran to the bathroom and vomit. Ugh I hate being pregnant. I don't even know who the father is.

Later on my roommate and now best friend, Jessica, took me to the doctor.

"Yup, you are officially pregnant Bella." The doctor said. I look over and saw a little bean on the screen. I sighed. I pulled my shirt down and sat up.

"You are now 3 weeks pregnant come by 5 more weeks to listen to your baby's heartbeat." The doctor smiled then left.

"Wow your pregnant. That's exciting!" Jessi said. We are now heading out.

"Yea but I honestly don't know who the father is." I sighed.

"You mean-"

"No I only had sex with one guy but he used a condom."

"Oh honey, don't you know condoms could break."

"I know but that was a month ago."

"Bella it takes 1-6 months to get pregnant. Now all we have to worry about is keeping you and the baby healthy. Plus tomorrow is your first day!" She said excitedly. I smiled and took a seat in her car.

I was laying down on my bed listening to Primera Cita. Its a good album. I miss hearing Joel's voice. Oops I just realized I never introduced myself.

Hello my name is Bella Ramirez. I was once Zandra Garcia but that was in the past. I'm a new different person due to safety reasons. I have to hide my identity for as long as I live. I can't let anyone know who I actually am. The only people who knows is the U.S. Government. I'm undercover to capture Anna & Zachary. Yea my kidnappers and life ruiners.

"Bella I'm going to kick the door open and you'll run in there and get the victim. Got it?" Officer Luis said aka my co worker. I nod. He put up one finger, two fingers, and by the door he kicked the door open. I ran in there and untied the victim from the chair. I removed the bag that was over there head. I look up to see the victim and couldn't believe who it was. Joel.

"Good Morning Bella I made breakfast." Jessi said as I walked into the dinning room.

"Aw thanks Jessi, are you going to school today?" I asked.

"No I don't start until next week." She giggled.

"Oh that's right." We continued eating and talking to each other.

"I gotta go Jessi. I'll see you later."

"Okay take care. And be careful!" And that was last thing I heard before I closed the door.


"Bella Ramirez? This is your Co-Worker Officer Luis." Sheriff Joe said introducing me to him.

"Luis." He smiled shaking my hand.

"Bella." I said smiling back.

We head to our police car and started driving around. Looking for Anna and Zachary. Why in NY? Well because people last recently saw them here.

"So how are you liking New York?"

"It's pretty. I have a good apartment view, I just haven't really had the time to explore."

"Well good news we're just driving around. Exploring technically." He chuckled.


"I should give you a mini tour of NYC." He suggested.

"That sounds lovely." I smiled.

"On your left you'll see the coffee shop I love to go."

"Starbucks?" I giggled.

"Yep that place is so good! On your right you'll see the lovely famous park."

"Oo it is really pretty."

"Vehicle 256 do you copy?"

"Copy." Luis said. The lady then gave us the information.

"Action time." Luis said. He turn on the lights and sirens and we head to the direction.

*Joel's POV*
"Come on Joel you can't always be down, can't you just move on?" Richard asked.

"I can't Richard, I miss her. I miss hearing her beautiful voice, I miss her hands, her scent, her eyes, her kisses, her skin, her everything. I miss her."

"Joel but you have to move on. Come on its show time." He said handing me a microphone. I took it and went up stage.

"In 5,"








"1." I smiled and started to sing.

an: oo a sequel!!! Hoped you guys like!!

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(Instagram: damnjoelpimentel)

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