Chapter 17

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I was tapping my fingers at my desk just thinking what happened yesterday. Also I very worried about Joel. I'm scared that Anna or even Zack is hurting him at this moment and I'm just here sitting. UGH! "Is everything alright?" Luis said.

"Um, sure." I then got a text message from an unknown number. I opened it and it was a picture of Google maps. Come alone and you'll get Joel back. And don't tell anyone about this, I am watching you Zandra. Joel and I are watching you every move right this second. I look up at Luis and quickly started to leave.

"Where are you going."

"Tell the boss that I'm sick."

"Not until I know where you are going." He then grabbed my wrist preventing me to go even further. I sighed just thinking what I'll should do. I know he won't let me go anywhere until I tell him. I texted him to follow me but stay as far as possible.

*Yoandri's POV*
"Am I able to drive?" I asked the doctor.

"With what car? Your car is still in the repair shop. But no, you can't drive not until two weeks." He said.

"Well how am I going to go to my hotel room? Am I able to fly?" 

"Not yet. And how about that one chick who came in yesterday?"

"Sol? Nah I- well no. I mean- its a long story." I sighed.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"Um, was until she stared going out with my best friend while she was at the hospital." I sighed as I tied my shoe.

"Do you still love her?" He asked. Since when this became a father and son talk? Well that is what is feels like.

"I'm confuse with her. I well I don't know. There's times where I adore her, but there's other times where I don't want to do anything with her."

"Just a little of advice, follow your heart. And just do the right thing for you and her."

"Doctor emergency in room 904." The nurse said.

"I'll see you later buddy." He said then went the same direction as the nurse.

*Sol's POV*
I knew it that it was her I freaking knew it. "Hello?" Maria said through the phone.

"Maria stop having sex with christopher because I have really important news."

"I wasn't having sex with him." She said sleepy.

"Mhm okay anyways I know what I am about to tell you is going to be really unbelievable but its true." I said.


"Okay well yesterday I got in a fight with my mom-"

"Again Sol? That isn't you." She said.

"Maria listen! Okay anyways so I got in a fight with her and so I drove to the hospital to visit yoandri because I need someone to talk to and I know even though he isn't my boyfriend he will still listen. Okay anyways so I arrived to his hospital room and I heard Yoandri say "Oh how I missed you Zandra." And bam! That is when they realized I was there and so basically what I'm trying to say is Zandra isn't dead, she's alive."

"Sol you have a wild imagination."  Maria said.

"No maria, I'm being serious."

"Sol I wish I could believe you but I can't. I'm going back to sleep." She then hung up. I sighed. Why doesn't she believe me.

*Bella/ Zandra POV*
I arrived at the place where Anna sent me. Its the same p lace where she kept us. I should of freaking known. I let Joel be torched in here for who knows how long. Ugh I grabbed my gun and put it in my gun holder. Instead of knocking I decided to sneak my way in. "Anna its me now give me Joel and this could be all over." I said as I walked and opened all the rooms to find Joel.

I heard some mumbling from the room I was about to open, I grabbed my gun all ready loaded to prepare myself what was in that room. Right before I opened it I felt someone grab my shoulder. "Hey hey, its me. Relax." Luis said. I totally forgot that he was coming with me.

"There's someone in this room." I said quietly.

"Alright, on the count of 3, I'll open the door and you'll go in" he said. I nodded in agreement. "One, Two, Three." He pushed open the door and I quickly went in pointing my gun the same direction where my eyes are looking.

"Joel." I said. I ran towards him and helped him untie his hands and legs free. Once I did a gunshot went off hitting me right in the leg. Then another and another and another. "We need back up and ambulance." I said on the radio. Joel bend down. For some reason I am really nervous. I'm scared that he found out who I actually am.

"Go, here. I need you to go save yourself." I said giving him my gun.

"I'm not going to leave you again." He said. He said again. Fuck he knows.

"Joel please! I need you to get out." I am started to yell. I quickly grabbed the gun and shot Anna who hasn't gotten shot. "Joel give me your shirt. I said holding back my tears. He then gave me his shirt and I quickly tied it around my leg to stop the bleeding. He helped me up and I hopped on my other way out.

"Hey Zandra." I heard Anna say. One two three gunshots in my stomach.

"I love you Joel." I said right before everything blacked out.

an: go ahead yell at me.

y'all know what to do (:

just in case I don't update mañana, Happy Thanksgiving! Remember not only be thankful on thanksgiving, be thankful everyday! ily y'all and um yea. it became awkward. okay byeeee

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