Chapter 49

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*Zandra's POV*

Earlier today the nurses took me up to Joel's room so now we are in the same room. I am currently holding his hand while tears stream down my eyes. He doesn't deserve this. I blame stupid management for introducing Anna to him. To bring her into our life's. Everything would of been so perfect if my mom never left, I never moved, and that I have never left him.

"Patrica, Zandra, Sol and Yoandri and other of his visitors, the ones who are on the guess list, are going to come and see Joel for a moment if it's fine by you guys." The doctor asked. I looked over to Patty and she nodded.

"Yes it's fine, I'll be over to Zandra's side." She said while looking at me. She came to my side and sat down on the chair.

"No Patty, come and lay down with me here please." I told her. She nodded and came to my side. Once she did I held her hand. I look at her and smiled.

A few minutes later Sol and Yoandri came in. "Hey guys," yoandri said with a small smile on his face when they came in, but once he looked at Joel his smile disappeared.

I honestly don't want to be here while they talk to him. I just want to grab my phone, put on music with headphones on and let the music take me away.

Since I don't have my phone with me, patty let me borrow hers. I connected my headphones to her phone, open apple music and put her playlist on shuffle. I closed my eyes and let the lyrics of the song sink in.

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I... am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all
And I... will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I... will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye

Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
And anywhere I would've followed you (Oh-Ooh)
Say something, I'm giving up on you

Say something, I'm giving up on you
Say something...

I woke up with tears in my eyes now everyone gone in the room. It's just Joel and I. With every painful step I took I talked over to Joel and sat right next to him. I grabbed his hand and kissed it. I tried to say something but I keep on choking up on my words. Instead I rested my head on his bed and stayed there for a while until I can talk.

After a few hours later I woke up and finally decided to talk to him.

"Hey baby. Well I have no idea if you can hear me or not. Hopefully this isn't goodbye but if it is let me just tell you all the things we have done in these past wonderful but then yet awful years together. Hm let's start at the very beginning, when my mom and I first moved in to the house. I remember opening the door and seeing you and your mom there with a plate in her hands welcoming us to the neighborhood. And little did we knew that our mom's were best friends since middle school. Then we first started kindergarten together and I was alone and scared but you were there with me, all the time until I had to move with my tia after you know, everything happened. Then things started to go down down hill. But hey we managed to get through this together mi amor. Ugh I'll do literally anything just hear your voice, see your smile, look into your eyes, watching you play with Maggie, kissing your lips one last time. Joel the doctors are saying you might not live that much longer, but I need you to prove them wrong. I know you can." I look down at my engagement ring that Patty gave back to me a little while ago and smiled.

"When you proposed to me on Maria and Christopher's wedding night, I was literally the happiest girl in the universe. I couldn't wait until it was our big day. People say that we're too young to be thinking about marriage and that we wouldn't be able to take care of a baby. But they don't know who we are. Damn I think they are jealous of us." I chuckled.

"Babe. Te quiero mucho. Please wake up. Once you do, we could finish up our adventure. Like you still have to meet your idol, Ed Sheeran. And I promise you that will happen. He's not my idol cause you are mine. Then after we could go anywhere you want. Anywhere in this world. And then you'll wait for me on the alter while I walk down the church in my white dress and then we will officially be Mr and Mrs Pimentel. Then we'll dance our first dance and a married couple and then we will watch Maggie grow up and become and amazing person like you. Then we'll be sitting in our rocking chairs in the front yard of our house with our canes right beside us saying everything we have accomplished and not regret a single thing." Tears were falling down onto his bed.

"Hm that sounds like a great idea princess." I heard a raspy sleepy voice. I looked up and saw that he was awake. I hugged him really tightly hurting the both of us.

"Oh look I still have tears left." I said laughing. He smiled then he wiped my tears away.

"I love you so much Zandra. So much that I'll do whatever it takes just to see you happy." He said.

"I love you too my love." I smiled.

an: ((: okay sorry for the long ass wait!! After I came back i had to start band camp and it was awful!! I was lonely most of the past two weeks I had no one to talk to, I ate lunch by myself, I was to depressed to write!! But now I'm good guys!! I'm tinna again!!

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ilyguys soo much!! (Possibly the next chapter will be the very last chapter !!) ♡

Our Adventure Continues || Joel PimentelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora