Chapter 46

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"Ahh Joel I assume you're here for your dead girlfriend." I heard Anna say once I entered the house. Dead? "Haha I'm just kidding please right this way." She said. I'm debating if I should follow her or run away. She seems like she is about to have everything planned and it is going her way. 

"Where's Zandra?" I managed to say to the witch.

"Just follow me and I'll bring you to her." said the Devil. But I did as I was told. She brought me to a room where not a female body was there but a male. I felt handcuffs around my wrists then i was pushed into the room. 

"WHERE IS ZANDRA, ANNA?" I yelled now just getting frustrated with her. 


"She's an idiot." Luis said.

"What happened to Zandra?" I asked Luis.

"She's safe. I found her alive, but i'm not sure if she'll survive in the hospital." He said honestly.

"Why? What happened? Tell me why you're here and not her, please tell me what happened?" I begged. He came closer to me and he sat down next to me.

"Well I have barely received the message that Zandra has gone missing again and that Anna has her. They gave me a list of all seven places that she could possible be. Once I got to the seventh place I prayed that Anna and Zandra will be here and they were. I made a deal that if she let's Zandra go, she can keep me instead and she agreed and let me in. It's pretty easy to fool her.  Anyways she showed me where Zandra was and I immediately ripped of my shirt and tied it around her cuts when I saw that she is still alive. She did lost a lot of blood Joel. See all the blood on the floor in this room? That's all hers. Im sorry. But my crew are looking for her or already found her. They're coming to get us soon."

"You traded your life for her's?"

"Yes I did and I am sure you will do the same since you're here." I didn't know what to say to him. I was relived to know that Zandra is still alive and I might make it to say my last goodbye to her, since she did loose a lot of blood. I hope Anna and everyone involved with this dies, just how  Zachary did.

*Sol's POV*

"Hello?" I said answering the house phone and putting the phone on my shoulder as I continue my school work.

"Is this Soledad Murillo?" A male voice said on the otherside of the phone.

"Yes. I'm sorry who is this?"

"I'm Dr. Sanchez from Kaiser hospital I am here to inform you that Zandra Garcia is here and we need close friends and family members with her." 

"Okay thank you for informing me we'll be there in a few. Um one question should we bring anything?"

"Just clothes if you're planning to stay with her."

"What about her baby can she stay with her with me or does she have to leave every night?" 

"I would suggest taking her home every night since Zandra needs to rest."

"How about Joel and Yoandi? Are they there also?"

"There is no word from them miss. I'm sorry."

"Thank you." I hung up the phone and ran upstairs. "Guys we need to go to the hospital start packing."

"What why? Are you okay?" Maria asked.

"They found Zandra." With those three words they started gathering their stuff.

As I was typing my final essay of this course, I saw that Zandra started to move. I put my laptop on the table next to me and paid my attention to her. I took off my glasses and grabbed her hand.

"Zandra can you hear me?" I said quietly. She opened her eyes then looked at me. She didn't say anything for a while. "Zandra you're okay now. You're safe a long with Maggie." I told her. "I'll be right back, I'm going to tell the doctors that you're awake." I got up but her grip held me back.

"Where's Joel?" Were the first words from her mouth. I started to tear up again, I thought all of my tears have ran out. I sat back down and gave her a huge hug before I said anything.

"I'm sorry Honey." She catched on very quickly that tears started to fall out.

"Where is he Sol?" She cried.

"Hes in surgery right now, the doctors said that he's not going to make it Zandra." She grabbed the pillow that was behind her and started to scream her lungs out. I'm so sorry Zandra.

an: BTW Sol is apologizing cause she can't feel the pain that Zandra is going through, not that she kill Joel or anything lol. Oops I mean harm.

scream at me ! Go ahead ! Just do it !

lol im sad cause I finished my favorite show and the ending sucked ass , cries.

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Ily and goodbye 💖

Our Adventure Continues || Joel PimentelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz