Chapter 4

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"Babe what's wrong?" Celine asked me.

"It's Sol, look don't get made at me but I'm worried about her. She has changed and not in a good way."

"What happened to her?"

"I don't know, its either because me and her or Zandra."

"Wait what happened to Zandra?" She asked.

"No one has told you?" I said hoping I am not the one to tell her.

"No, what's wrong with her? Is everything okay?"

"Ugh, Celine she died." I said not showing any emotion. Every time I remember myself that she isn't her I feel like crying. I sometimes catch my self calling her cell phone. But then I remember that she's not here anymore.


"She killed herself Celine. If I would of found her in time she would of been here with us but no, its my fault she's dead. I could of saved her."

"How is that even possible? When did she die?" Celine asked.

"Like a moth ago."

"Yoandri, I text her every single day. Has anyone disconnected her phone yet?"

"I guess not. Can I see the text messages?" She then gave me her phone. That's weird I decided to call the person. After three rings they answer.

"hello?" Said a male voice.


*Sol's POV*

"Sol you're such a mess." Noelia said waking me up.

"Ugh Noelia dejame in Paz." I said throwing a pillow at her.

"Sol what is up with you?" Noelia asked.

"Nothing!" I yelled at her very annoyed.

"Sol you have becoming more aggressive now a days. Come on let's go shopping." Noelia suggested.

"What's the point I have no money." I said. I then reached over to grab my cigarettes box but remembered that Noelia took them.

"Well then I'll help you get a job, wait SHOULDN'T YOU BE AT SCHOOL RIGHT NOW?"

"Stop yelling. And yea I'm supposed to be at school."

"Well hurry up and get ready its almost 8. At 7:30 you should be ready because I'm taking you to school." Noelia said throwing a pillow at me. After she left, I got up and went to my closet. Hm I don't know what to wear. Whatever I'll just wear some black leggings and my hoodie. After I changed I put on my sandals and head to the restroom. Once I finished putting my hair into a bun, and putting on a little bit of make up so I don't look dead, I head out to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"You miss him don't you?" She asked.

"I don't know who you're talking about." I said taking a sip of coffee.


"Yea, no. I don't miss him I don't even know why we went out." Lies. I do miss him. And we went our cause we loved each other. Yes loved as in past tense.

"Well if you don't miss him, how about you continue being the Sol that I always know. The one who get straight A's the one who is so positive, the one who is just happy about life." She then served me some pancakes and eggs.

"Yea well that was in the past Noelia. People change you know." She didn't keep the conversation going so the rest of the morning was quite.

Oh look it's the worst place that everyone has to go to. School. I don't even get why I'm here at school. So the whole car ride I was thinking about how I do want to go to college and work as a psychologist. Instead of going to my first period, I went to the Main Office to talk to my councilor. I need help. Not only my grades but to get through the breakup and Zandra's death. I'm such a mess. Noelia's right. I now find myself knocking in her office.

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