Chapter 28

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I ran in the police station straight to Luis' office. It was already empty. There was just one last box in there. I quickly grabbed it and head out to the car. "Airport, now. Step on it!" I said to Joel. I went through the box and first read the letter.

Dear Zandra by the time you read this I am already in the airport waiting for you. I am by our favorite fast food restaurant that we like to go. Everything in this box I want you to keep. Its all of our memories and some presents. Hopefully you'll come in time since I want to say one last goodbye before I leave.

I quickly got out and ran. Its hard to run with a baby in you but its happening. "Luis!" I yelled as I see him walking out of Starbucks. He quickly put down the drinks at a near by table before I attack him with the biggest hug ever.

"Just in time." He said during the hug.

"I don't want you to go." I said holding back my tears.

"I have to Zandra, I promise I'll visit once in a while." He said. We then pulled away and he wiped my tears.

"Thank you for being the best partner out there." I said with more tears falling out.

"Don't thank me. I'll miss you very much. You're honestly the best partner I've ever had."

"Flight 398 to New York now aborting." The over speakers said. I gave him one last hug.

"Take care Zandra. And Joel, take care of her for me ya?" He said which made me chuckle a bit.

"Of course."

"police buddies." I said.

"Police buddies." He said back. We did our handshake we do every time were on a mission. "Oh yea! Here passion fruit lemonade ice tea for my best partner. Got to go." He said. He gave me the drink and left.

"Call me when you get home!" I said. He turned around giving me a thumbs up and head onto the plane. I'm going go miss that guy so much.


So Matthew agreed to be the "father" of the child. I hate this but I mean its for the best. Also the baby will be living a normal life if you realize it. But for sure Joel will still have time with his child. "Everything okay babe?" Joel asked.

"Yea. Well actually no." I said honestly.

"Spill." He said keeping the eyes on the road.

"I know your going to say I told you so but this seems so unfair, I can't be with you anymore. I can't be with your family, I can't go to your shows, I can't go to your meet and greets, I can't go anywhere with you in public, I cant do anything with you."

"I told you so. But either way, there's nothing we could do about it. If we were both to say no, he will still do it anyways but with a stranger that we don't know. So I'm happy the fake father is someone you know very well." Joel told me.

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