Chapter 16 - no promises

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Harmony POV

My anger coursed through my body making me tremble and on the verge of shifting and tearing Jessicas throat out, literally. I wanted to murder her. I felt her grab my hair and it pissed me off even more, I swung at her another three or four times when I felt someones arms around my waist. "Harmony, HARMONY! Stop!" I seen two other cheerleaders jump in on the action and realized I was about to be outnumbered, but at this time I could care less. As long as when I am done Carsons little girlfriend wont be much for him to look at. The thought made me snarl and my wolf begged for realease, to teach this mate theiving girl a lesson.

Carson POV

I stood next time Mike, talking, for the first time in 24 hours which was odd seeing as he is my best friend. I suddenly felt bad for giving him a hard time, I know he was only looking after his Luna, which as Beta is his job. The thought of Harmony being Luna made me smile, but if she was luna then that meant we would have to mate. The thought alone had me grinning ear to ear like a school boy who had got his first kiss. My thoughts were broken when screams came from the girls locker room. Me and Mike shared a confused look, I itched to go see what was going on but knew better. The girls locker room was more dangerous then a war zone. "Harmony, Harmony stop" her name reached my ears and instantly I was running towards the locker room Mike at my side. I guess he heard it too.

When we swung the doors open I was literally shocked speechless, I froze in spot and took in the scene infront of me. Harmony was swinging and repeatedly hitting Jessica in the face. Kathy was hanging on to Harmonys waist for dear life trying to pull her back. Jessica, Judy and some other girls were trying to hit Harmony with not much luck. Girls crowded around them hollering for who they thought should win. At a moment like this I felt a sudden surge of pride to see my little mate whooping ass.

Mikes booming voice above the girls screaming snapped me out of it. He now had his hands around Harmonys waist picking her up, but the further he drug her the more Jessica and her friends went at her. Moving quickly I got in the middle of it. "ENOUGH!" I yelled. I grabbed Jessica and swung her around away from Harmony, planting her on the bench. I glared down at her, "thats enough." It was a low warning and she stilled instantly. The only movement now came from a thrashing Harmony and grunts from Mike from the blows he was getting from her trying to get loose.

I did the only thing I could think of, I laughed. I couldnt help it, I laughed loudly and everyone shut up and focused on me. Slowly I got myself together and gave Jessica a once over. She had a swollen lip, already purple under one eye and a slight drip of blood from her nose. I tipped her chin and looked at examined to make sure that was all that was wrong, "you will heal." I told her, her jaw dropped and she went to say something but my attention was back on Mike who had Harmony sitting down on the bench looking her over. "Are you okay?" I heard him say.

My heart began to pound in my chest at the thought of my mate being hurt, I would personally whoop Jessicas ass if she harmed a hair on her head. Shoving the girls out of my way I walked to stand infront of Harmony. Ignoring Mikes smug look I looked down at my mate. Her head was down eyes on the floor. "Harmony look at me." She didnt move. "Harmony," i heard my voice go hard and rough. I seen her flench and stopped myself. With a deep breath I tried again, "please look at me."

Slowly her head picked up until he was looking at my waist, I rolled my eyes and reached down taken her chin between my thumb and pointer finger, gently I pulled her head up till her eyes were looking at mine. My heart hammered my chest when I seen the blood coming from her cheek, though I knew she would heal quickly it was a scratch it didnt matter. Seeing her bleeding and hurt at all sent my teeth on edge. I squatted down infront of her and gently rubbed the cut. "Does it hurt?" My voice surprised even me, but when her eyes grew wide and a small smile tugged at her lips it made me want to do backflips.

That smile, that small smile was just for me. "No." A simple word but her eyes were locked on mine, I felt emotions whirl through me as I leaned over and gently kissed her cheek above the scratch. We stayed like that for a minute just looking at each other and her being so close made me feel tingles through my body. A loud snort from the other side of the locker room had me jumping to my feet and storming to Jessica who stood with a angry face on. Her eyes staring at my mate.

I stopped inches from her and made sure my voice was low enough for a warning but deep enough to carry, I wanted everyone to hear this, it would be their only warning. "If you ever, I mean ever, touch my mate again, I will personally handle it myself, do you understand?" Her eyes grew wide and her lip trembled, "but look at me, look what she did to me! Carson my eye is swollen..." she stopped when she seen I didnt really give a damn. "What are you going to do about her?" She barked at me.

A humorless grin played at my lips, "nothing, your lucky I dont let her finish you off." Without another thought I went and scooped Harmony up in my arms. To my surprise she didn't protest, though I probably wouldn't of listened. My wolf needed her, to hold her and intake her scent, reassurance she was okay. Hell I needed her. We walked out of the gym and down the school hall. I walked until we were outside and though the snow covered the ground the sun was warm on my bare arms.

A shiver ran through Harmonys body, I felt it in my arms. I suddenly realized she was not completely dressed in her cut off shirt, jeans and barefeet. I pulled her closer to me to keep her warm. My heart began to do flips that matched my stomach when her breath caressed over my face. Before I could stop myself I pressed my lips to hers. As I pulled back I seen her eyes were wide with shock ; confusion, and lust something I didnt want to look to deep into.

I dont know what tomorrow holds, nor do I care, i will not make an promises I cant keep, but I cant stop, because at this moment everything felt right.

:) Picture of Carson and Harmony >>>>> Hence the title! :) soo what do you think? Vote, comment and enjoy! <3

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