Chapter 17 - Almost Rejection

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Harmony POV

My heart almost stopped in my chest. When his lips touched mine, not demanding or passion filled like our other kiss, this one was different. It was soft and sweet, almost a reassuring kiss. His hands held me close on around my back and the other on my rear. The thought made me blush as he pulled back and looked down at me. When my eyes met his I felt my heart do another flip in my chest.

For the first time he had no guard up, his eyes shined with emotions, lust, amusement, and love maybe? I am not quiet sure, I dropped my eyes from his sure mine would be as filled with almost the same emotions as his. Though it felt good being close to him and my wolf was actually quiet for once not snapping at me in anger or saddness, my brain screamed for me to wake up. He was kissing another girl this morning. The thought alone had me moving to get out of his arms and on my own two feet.

I am not sure if this was truly real between us or not, but I knew as long as I was that close to him I wouldn't be able to think straight. I sighed and looked back up at him when my efforts to get down went unoticed or ignored by Carson. "Carson, please put me down." He looked hurt almost before I seen his mask came back over his face blocking out all emotions that were just there for me to see. I wanted to take back my words, to cling to him, tell him I was sorry, anything to keep his face clear for me to read but knew it wouldn't do either of us any good if I did.

Slowly I felt myself being lowered until my feet were on the ground and my hands on his chest. I felt his muscles tense under my touch before he stepped back putting space between us. We stood like that just a foot apart looking at each other for what seemed like forever. A few times I seen saddness, confusion, hurt, and love again flash in his eyes before he looked psat me and ran his hands through his hair letting out a low growl. "Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

His words snapped me out of my trance and thoughts. The space between us allowed me to think, "make sure I am okay? Really? Why dont think I can handle myself? Why dont you check on your girlfriend, I think SHE is the one who got the WORST OF IT!" 'please tell me WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?' I rolled my eyes at my wolf, once again angry and gryping. Quickly I blocked her out, I didnt need her in this, it was hard enough to be this close and not touch him, much less put more space between us.

Carson studied me for a long moment before he stepped closer to me only inches from my body and his touching. He made sure not to touch me as he lowered his head close to my ear. "My little mate, you are strong" My eyes widened, as his warm breath crossed my skin making me want to cling to him and shiver at the same time. But shock from his words registered in my brain. Is he rejecting me? What is he talking about? Before I could think to hard into his words his lips pressed lightly on my forhead sending my emotions flying through me. "I am sorry little one. You will be okay, I promise." He whispered to me as his lips brushed across my forhead when he spoke.

I jerked my head up to look at him, to see what he was talking about, I needed to see reassurance that he wasn't rejecting me. But his eyes held nothing but sorrow and sympathy before he pressed his lips to mine for one last quick kiss. I felt it in my body when he left but I kept my eyes closed holding on to the feel of his kiss, his lips on my skin and his husky voice in my ear.

Sure enough when I opened my eyes, I was alone in the feild beside the school, Carson was no where around. My heart dropped and I didnt care to hold back the sting of tears, I welcomed them. Something to show me I was going to make it, without my mate. If that was rejection, it is the worst feeling in the entire world. I dropped to my knees as tears blurred my vision and warmed my cheeks from the cold.

Carson POV

I bit my lip as emtions whirled in me, I couldnt say the words, I just couldn't reject her. I had completely planned on it, I really did. Yes maybe I did it wrong, swooping in to her defense only to hurt her worst then she was but I am weak damnit! When she looked up at me and I seen the fear, hurt and love in her eyes I wussed out. I couldnt hurt her like that, no, she will just have to learn to live without me a different way.

I stood at the tree line watching her, I could smell her tears in the winter breeze and it sent another stab of pain through my chest. I watched as she hit her knees and I think my heart was literally ripped out of my chest. I wanted to run to her, tell her I was sorry, try to explain things to her. But I couldnt, it would only make things worst if I told her or tried to talk to her again. I felt my wolf whimper and shut me out. It was obviouse he didn't agree and as of now, is no longer talking to me.

It isn't suppose to be this damn hard to do whats right! A single tear slid down my face as sobs racked her body. Her small frame slumped on her knees shook with sobs. I watched Mike approach her and wrap his jacket around her before taking her in his arms. Its official I am pathetic, my own best friend has to comfort my mate, that was it the final straw, I lost all control. I spun and ran through the woods.

How can I live with myself, what is wrong with me?

Mike POV

I watched from a distance, weirdly happy that Carson was holding Harmony like a mate is suppose to. But something in Harmonys body posture was off. Carson was too stiff, I almost let out a growl at the thought of him rejecting her. Anything to interrupt him from ruining his and her life, but i kept it down. I couldnt keep protecting her from her own mate nor could I keep my ignorant best friend from screwing up his life. I watched as Carson ran into the woods and stopped to watch Harmony from a distance.

I kept my ground blending in with the white column at the school exit. I seen Harmonys body shake with tears but kept my place. Though Carson was in the trees, I could spot him. I waited for him to go to her to fix it. When she hit her knees and shook with sobs I lost control. That Son Of  A. I bit back my thoughts and went to Harmony. Her small body seemed even more frail and fragile slumped in the snow shaking with tear and pain.

I wrapped my jacket around her and pulled her in my arms. My eyes went to where Carson was but he was gone. Son of a Bitch, how dare you leave me to pick up your mess. I shot to him, but got nothing, he must be blocking everything out. My attention went back to Harmony when she burried her face in my chest and continued to cry. My body fought aginst itself, torn between comforting her and chasing my best friend down and whooping his ass.

Unknown POV

I watched as the girl and Carson talked, I watched as Carson ran away. I wasnt close enough to hear them, but I was close enough to read their body language. I seen Carson stop and watch her from a distance like Mike had been doing since they had came outside. Well this just keeps getting more and more interesting. I thought to myself. My attention was back on the girl when she dropped to her knees and began to cry. I almost felt bad for her, no matter what my job was or my opinion, being rejected by a mate was almost as bad as dying, take that back dying wasnt as bad. The pain dont last as long.

I watched as Mike wrapped her in his arms and Carson ran away. Slowly I slipped back through the woods, well this will make things a lot easier on my part. No longer protected by the Alpha, I wonder if boss will still want her since she is rejected? I shook off my thoughts and ran for the territory line to report what I saw. To report that Alpha Carson had rejected his mate.

SOO... :) first one for the night! :) Comment vote and enjoy! <3 && as usual a picture! :) Mike holding Harmony :'(

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