Chapter 5- date night

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April POV
Natsu took me by the hand and guided me to the door, "have a grand time april!" Erza said. Right as we got to the door juvia yelled across the guild hall, "natsu you better take good care of april! Dont get too handsy, or do if thats what april wants," natsu and me both blushed but natsu still replied, "im not even going to respond to that." Natsu guided me down the street holding my hand and the heat that radiated off his body made me feel so at home. "Were almost there. I cant wait for you to see it." As we got closer to the park natsu turned around abruptly and faced me. Our faces were inches apart. Kiss me. Please kiss me natsu. He snapped me out of my thoughts by speaking but that just made my heart flutter more. "Wear this," he held out a white blindfold for me and i looked at him questioningly. "Just until we get there. Please baby, i want it to be a surprise." Baby. He called me baby. Ill do whatever you say natsu. Of course i didnt say that, instead i took the blindfold, put it on and just joked, "okay but please dont let me walk into a tree." "I would never," was all he said before he began guiding me deeper into the park. I think we were heading south but im not too sure. Although i couldnt see it felt like my smell was heightened. I could smell natsu so much more easily. I need him right now. I stopped in my tracks. I wasnt sure exactly where we were but i turned towards his smell and lunged at him.

Natsus POV
I began walking april blindfolded through the park. Her smell was all around me. What is this girl doing to me? Right as we got to our destination she stopped in her tracks. I was about to ask her what was wrong but she flung her body at me and attacked my lips before i could speak. I wraped my arms around her body and embraced her kiss. Our tongues began to intertwine. She tastes just as good as she smells. I heard her emit a soft moan into the kiss and she ran her fingers through my hair. Thats it. I cant wait. I pushed her back against the tree and held her wrists above her head. I detached from her lips and immediatly put my lips to her neck. I began sucking and nibbling her neck. She was a moaning mess undeath me. If she doesnt stop moaning like that i wont be able to stop myself. I brought my hands away from her wrists and began sqeezing one of her boobs. As soon as i grabbed onto her she let out the sexiest thing ive ever heard. "N-nastu" she said through her moans. I was about to rip her dress off right there but then i remembered. "Okay this has gone on for long enough!" I pulled away from april and looked at gray who was standing not far from us. April immediatly blushed bright red and put her head into my chest while saying, "is that gray?! How long has he been here?" I embraced her as he answered casually, "the whole time. I thought you would notice me but i guess thats not what you guys were focusing on," "dont be a pervert gray. You should be smart enough not to get near april." I almost growled that last part. "C'mon man you know im not stupid enough to go after her after i saw that," as he said this april burried her head deeper into my chest. Just her touch makes me want to throw her over my shoulder and run back to my house. No! You are going to take her on a date first! I needed to remind myself that i still wanted her to love me before weve mated. I know i love her. "Well come inside." Gray ushered us into what looked like an igloo. I was about to yell at him. I told you to make it beautiful! This needs to be perfect. As we stepped into the entrance i stopped and faced april. "You can take your blindfold off now," i hope this impresses her.

Aprils POV
"You can take your blindfold off now," he said to me. As i took off my blinfold the first thing i noticed was how we were incased in ice. The center of the room had a blanket placed down with a basket surrounded by white and red candles. Floating in the air above that were what looked like hundreds of tiny stars. "Wendy and lucy helped me a lot. I just made the room," gray said as he headed out the door. This is so enchanting. Natsu took me by the shoulders and guided me to the pinic blanket. I sat down and he sat down next to me. He is so close to me that his warmth and smell are surrounding me and making me crazy. Slowly he began to unpack the basket. Inside were mini versions of my favorite sandwich along with chocolate covered strawberries. How did he know what my favorite foods were? "Natsu, how did you know my favorite foods?" As i asked him he smiled brightly and replied, "oh, i just asked your friend flare! She was actually pretty nice," flare? "Flare helped you?" I was amazed that she would do something like that. "Yeah she was really happy for you! She even said she misses you!" I didnt know flare actually cared about me. "Wow..." Before i could ask anymore questions natsu retrieved two glasses and filled me a cup of red wine. "Im not much of a drinker but its a special occasion and you do have a good taste in wine," he said teasingly as he took a sip. I noticed the way his lips touched the glass and it made me want his lips to be on mine. After we ate a few sandwiches and had a few glasses of wine he began feeding me the strawberries. "You dont have to do that natsu, this was amazing enough," but he didnt stop. Instead he put the strawberry up to my lips so i could take a bite, "who ever said i didnt want to do this?" He replied sarcastically. After he fed me a strawberry he picked up another one and put it to my lips. As i took a bite he brought his face inches from mine and took a bite from the other side. My face went red but my insides were yearning for him even more. Finally i spoke, "do you think its starting to get cold?" He didnt answer. He just lifted me bridal style and placed me into his lap. His touch is effecting me even more than before. He wrapped his arms around me and put his face in the crook of my neck. "I love you april." He said it quietly but i could hear it and i could feel the heat from his breath on my neck. He said it. This is your chance. "Natsu..." He looked up at me and had a light blush on his cheeks. "Ive loved you since i first smelled you," i finally finished. Natsu smiled widely and said, "you have? I thought it was just me!" I looked up into his eyes before kissing him. As we began making out i lightly pushed him onto his back never breaking the contact our lips made. I was trying to dominate his tounge but he won easily as he began exploring my mouth. He released a loud moan as i began unbuttoning his shirt. Oh god. When i got his shirt unbuttoned i broke our contact. There was a trail of saliva connecting our lips and he looked more flustered than ive ever seen. "April if you-" before he could finish speaking i brought my mouth to his neck and began sucking. He growled feircly, "fuck". My hands roamed over his bare, toned chest and i could feel him getting excited. As i moved from his neck to his collarbone i grinded my hips into his now hard member and he let out a roar, "f-fuck! Yes!" After only a second of me grinding on him and teasing his collar bone he pushed me away forcefully. "Baby if you dont stop right now, theres no way i could control myself". he called me baby again. "Im sorry i- i guess i cant control myself either," i finally admitted. We waited for a moment to calm down before leaving. We walked to natsus house hand in hand and when we arrived he turned to me, "are you sure? I can walk you back to your dorm if you want," he is so sweet. "No natsu, i want to stay with you tonight," i said finally. Natsu nodded and opened the door. As we walked in natsu turn to me again and whispered, "shh happys sleeping," i nodded my head and he led me to his bedroom. His house was small and old but still cute and cozy. "Um, would you like to borrow one of my shirts?" He asked me i nodded my head and he threw me a white tshirt with a red fairytail emblem on it. I unzipped my dress and stepped out of it. Before i could put the shirt on i noticed that natsu was focusing on me intently as i undressed. Slowly i walked up to him, his eyes never leaving my body. "You can touch me if you want," i whispered into his ear, purposley pressing my body against him. As soon as his hands touched my hips i swooned. Touch me more. Please natsu.

Natsus POV
I tossed a shirt her way and watched her unzip her dress. Shes going to change in here?! As soon as she stepped out of her dress my member awoke again and i was fighting off my instinct to take her right there. She looked up at me with those beautiful green eyes and began walking towards me. She stopped right infront of me and pressed her body against me. Control yourself. You dont want to hurt her. Dont lose control. I took all my strength to control myself but she came in close to my ear and whispered, "you can touch me if you want," of course i want to touch you. I brought my hands to her hips and her soft skin began driving me over the edge. Finally i held both her shoulders and backed her away from me, "please, im trying my best to control myself but youre making that really hard for me." She looked sad for a moment but perked up and said, "yeah, well have plenty of time alone at the resort, im sure." God this woman is amazing. I cant wait to make her mine. She threw on her shirt and layed on my bed. "Are you coming to bed, baby?" She asked me. Baby. "Of course, but um...i sleep shirtless," i said shyly hoping she would ask me to put on my clothes so im less likely to lose control. "Thats even better for me," she said sexily. As i walked to the bed i took off my shirt and pants and got under the blankets with her. She moved over to me and cuddled me close. It didnt take long before her intoxicating scent and electrifying touch lulled me to sleep. Please let me fall asleep like this every night.

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