Chapter 16- a few surprises

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2 weeks later
Aprils POV
Its been two weeks since the night of my birthday and i havent been happier. All my friends are so happy in their relationships and weve all become so close. Even flare and lyon are dating now! But even though im happy with my life im still scared. Im not sure how natsu will react. Will he be mad? Upset? He wont leave me? Right? I needed to tell myself to stop worrying. He loves you. Itll be fine. When natsu told me he wanted to take me to a fancy dinner i thought that this would be the best time to tell him. For some reason he told me to meet him there instead of walking there together. What is he planning? As i walked into the restaurant i was greeted by a waiter, "would you be miss april?" He asked me politely. "Yes im she" i replied. The waiter then directed me towards the table where i saw natsu fidgeting with something under the table. As i walked up natsu stood up and pulled out my chair for me, "you look stunning," he told me as he stared at me with admiriation in his eyes. This is your chance! Tell him! As i sat down a waiter came up and took our orders. During dinner we talked about many things. Our friends, the guild, our magic, everything. I need to tell him now. Finally when we were done eating i spoke up, "natsu there something i need to talk to you about" i waited for a second before trying to speak again but natsu cut me off, "no april. Theres something i need to talk to you about," oh no. This is it. Hes going to break up with me. Isnt he? As if reading my mind he spoke again, "dont worry its nothing like that. In fact its quite the opposite," before i could decode what he had just said he took my hands in his. As he did this he dropped to one knee on the floor. Oh. My. God! Is he doing what i think hes doing?!?! "April, you are the best thing thats ever happened to me. I love you so much," i could feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes and i noticed people starting to stare at us. "I dont think i could ever stand being away from you, which is why," i held my breath as he spoke. Now i could feel tears streaming down my face. "Which is why i want to ask you to be with me forever," as he said this he pulled out a little box. He opened the box to reveal a silver ring with a red jewel on it, "april haunter, will you marry me?" As soon as those words left his mouth i pulled him up to me and brought him into a hug. April dragneel. I pulled away and kissed him passionately. Once i kissed him i began kissing all over his face, his nose, cheeks, forehead and back to his nose. April dragneel sounds right. Until finally i was snapped out of it by the sound of cheering, the people in the restaurant were clapping for us. "So thats a yes, right?" Natsu asked with a sheepish smile on his face, "of course you idiot! Of course ill marry you!" As i said this he placed the ring on my finger. As soon as the ring was on my finger a bunch of people came out of the kitchen and ran up to us. It was the entire guild! Flare and juvia were the first to reach me, "that was so beautiful!" Flare said as she approached us, "truly, it was." Erza stated from behind her. "Yeah but it took him long enough," lucy said sarcastically. Gray laughed at this and juvia responded, "i know i was dying from suspense!". Next the master came up to me, "april, i am so happy that youve found youre home with us!" I gave him a big hug but before i could respond i felt a large presence behind me, as i turned around i came face to face with laxus. Before i could say anything he picked me up, spun me around and said, "so my little sis is getting married, huh?" I blushed at his little sis comment but nodded anyway. Finally i remembered, oh shit i still havent told natsu. "Well lets let them finish their meal!" The master said as laxus put me down. Before leaving everyone congradulated us. As we sat back down natsu spoke, "i cant believe you actually said yes," he was looking at the finger with the ring on it as he spoke. He looked up at me as if waiting for a response, this is it, tell him now. "Natsu i- theres something i havent told you," as i said this his face that was full of pure happiness turned to confusion. I could feel myself starting to cry again, "baby whatever it is, its fine. You can tell me," natsu told me reassuringly. "Baby i-im...." How do i say this lightly? "Im expecting." I finally said. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Natsu looked at me puzzled before asking, "expecting what?" This dense man. "Natsu im- were-" finally a man at the table next to us spoke up loudly, "oh for christs sake! Boy!" He pointed towards natsu, "your lady here is trying to tell you that shes pregnant," i didnt say a word as this man spoke. Natsus eyes went wide and i couldnt tell how he was reacting to this, "so im-m going to-" finally i spoke up, "yes baby. Youre going to be a father," one second after i said this natsus expression turned from confusion to pure joy. He stood up fast and yanked me out of my chair. He held me bridal style and sung, "im gonna be a daddy! Im gonna be a daddy!" As he spun me around. I guess he noticed everyone staring at us because he put the money on the table before carrying me outside. As we left we heard the man from before call out to us, "you lovebirds have a nice life together! Ya hear?". When we got outside natsu continued to spin me around singing, finally i asked, "so youre actually happy about this?" He stopped singing and placed me on my feet before cupping my cheeks in his hands, "of course im happy baby! I get to raise a beautiful family with you! What could make me happier?" Before i could answer he grabbed my hand and began running back to the hotel. Once there he dragged me up to the second floor where he knocked on warrens door. When warren answered natsu didnt give him a chance to speak before saying, "hey warren! Use your telepathy and tell everyone to meet us on the beach, we have news!" Before warren could answer natsu took off dragging me along with him. I have to say, it felt amazing being dragged around like this by him. I feel anywhere this man took me would make me happy. Soon enough we reached the beach. Once there he slowed down when we got to the water. It was late so the moonlight was reflecting off the sea making it all the more georgous. Me and natsu sat there for a few minutes until a large group walked onto the beach. Once we could see everyone natsu yelled out, "geez warren! I meant fairytail! Not every guild in fiore!" As he said this the other guilds began chuckling, "but this will be a good thing for them to hear too," natsu finished. "So whats up? We already saw your cheesy proposal," as gray said this juvia slapped his arm and sting from sabertooth was the next to speak up, "aw how come i didnt get to see that?" Yukino giggled beside him as he huffed about not being there. Everyone began chatting about our future wedding but before they got any louder natsu roared, "listen up!" Everyone went silent and looked in our direction. "Are you going to tell us why were out here so late?" Erza screamed as jellal put his hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down. "Yes i am. The reason i called you all here is because," natsu paused for a moment, "im going to be a daddy!" After he said this there was many different reactions. Erza and juvia both turned bright red as they repeated the words, "babies...babies" most of the others awed and congradulated us while laxus was emotionless. Me and mira exchanged questioning glances as laxus approached natsu. I gulped hoping that laxus wouldnt be angry or anything. We didnt need a brawl. Once laxus reached natsu he just said, "im sure youll make a great father," natsu was obviously taken off gaurd but he responded, "th-thanks, laxus." Everyone partied on the beach for hours. Eventually i got tired and couldnt even keep my eyes open anymore. "Lets go home baby, youre obviously tired." Natsu said as he picked me up. "No i want to keep talking with the girls!" I said half asleep. Lucy and levy laughed while juvia said, "you havent been talking for the past hour. Youve been asleep while we all talked about your wedding!" Flare chimed in next, "besides you need to get a good nights rest. You know, for natsu jrs sake," "indeed" erza said matter of factly. Eventually i mustered up the strength to say goodbye to everyone as we left. Although i fell asleep in natsus arms i could still hear him and laxus talking as he carried me back to our room. "Youll keep her safe, right?"
"Of course i will."
"Promise me that youll always protect her!"
"I promise laxus. I will always protect her."
That night i fell asleep fell asleep thinking about what the future may hold.
The next day i woke up with natsu resting his head on my tummy, "morning baby," he said as i looked at him. "Good morning," finally he spoke again, "im so happy. You make me so happy april," as he spoke he rubbed my belly and smiled widely. The next week consisted morning sickness and group gatherings with everyone in the resort. We had a bunch of double, triple, even quadruple dates! Ive become so much closer to everyone and flare even decided to join fairytail! I thought she would join lamia scale for lyon but she joined us. Eventually though we had to go back to magnolia. The last night at the resort all the guilds met up in the waterpark and hung out. I feel so comfortable with where i am in life right now.

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