Chapter 6- the resort

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Aprils POV
I woke up bright and early and felt the warmth of being enveloped by natsu. I started playing with his soft pink locks while staring at his beautiful body. The feeling of his skin on me and his sweet scent was even stronger than last night. His scent made me feel almost high as i breathed it in. I couldnt help myself anymore so i leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips. I didnt break our contact until a heard him let out a loud growl. He snapped open his eyes and immediatly jumped on top of me, pinning me to the bed. "What do you think youre doing?" He asked huskily. "Kissing you?" I said innocently. He slumped down on top of me and lazily said, "i thought we were going to wait? I wont be able to wait if you wake me up like that" even though he said this he was still grinding his hips into me. "Besides, we have to get to the guild for our vacation," it took me a moment to register what he was saying. "We-well could you- ahh!" I moaned as he kept rubbing himself on me. He smirked before getting off me and saying, "now you know how it feels," as he got off the bed. He stood up and was wearing nothing but his boxers. I stared at his toned chest and sculpted abs.  His scent is even more inviting than before. Whats going on? He put on his clothes and grabbed a duffle bag just as happy came into the room. "Natsu get up we-" happy looked at natsu and then at me, "oh my! April i didnt know you slept here last night" happy paused for a moment and looked at natsus shirt that i was wearing, "baha! Nice shirt!" He said mockingly. "Well c'mon guys! We gotta get to the guild" i just remembered, "oh crap! I still havent even packed!" Natsu looked at me wide eyed but before he could say anything happy said, "i can fly you to your dorm april! You can pack and well meet natsu at the guild!" I didnt want to leave natsus side but i allowed happy to flew me to my dorm. I packed my stuff and we headed to the guild. When we walked in everyone including natsu was standing by the doors with their bags. "Hey april, hey happy! Im glad you got here in time!" Mira said. Just then we heard a beep and there was two busses outside waiting for us. "Oh no..." Me and natsu both spoke at the same time. As we said this happy looked over, "haha this will be a fun ride for you guys," natsu looked towards wendy and as he began to speak laxus and gajeel approached us. "Heya wendy. Do you think you could cast that troia spell on us?" "Whats that?" I asked couriously. "Its a spell that will help with the motion sickness," wendy explained as she cast a spell on natsu. "I can cast these on you and the busses wont affect you!" Wendy cast the spell on all of us, including laxus. Before we got on the busses the master spoke, "listen up brats! I allowed mira to make all these arrangements so she will be telling you your room situations." As the master finished mira stood up and cleared her throat, "okay everybody heres how its gonna go. Ive arranged some of the rooms into pairs so please listen up for who your partner is. If you dont hear your name than that means you have the ability to chose your roommate," Before everyone could begin chatting mira spoke again.
"Room 100 is erza and jellal"
"What?! Jellal is going to be there?" Erza yelled as her face was bright red. "Yes hes meeting us at the resort so are a few other  guilds, now if youll let me continue" "but how-isnt that danger-" erza frantically asked but mira interupted her, "the council has officially called off their hunt for crime sorciere, i mean they did help alot of people. Now let me continue," mira began listing the rooms once again
"Room 101 is gajeel and levy
Room 102 juvia and gray"
Before mira could continue gray spoke up, "um do i have any say in this?!" He asked. "No you dont." The master spoke sternly. Before mira spke again i noticed juvia hugging up to gray excitedly.
"Back to what we were saying, room 103 is lucy and loke" gasps were heard amongst the crowd but no one said anything, "room 104 is natsu and april," me and natsu exchanged heated glances. Mira finished saying the room arrangements but i didnt really listen. We all took our seats on the bus, juvia and gray were sitting behind us while lucy and loke were next to us and gajeel, levy and erza were in front of us. The exceeds were up front with romeo, wendy, mira and laxus. We were only driving for a moment before juvia spoke up, "gray-sama arent you happy that you get to room with me?" She asked excitedly. Gray rolled his eyes as he spoke, "no not really. Hey natsu switch rooms with me?" As he asked this last part natsu wrapped his arm around me protectively and spoke defensivley, "how dare you even ask that! Im staying with april and no one can change that!" He only calmed down when i said "please calm down, baby". Juvia winked at me when she heard me call him baby and gray replied, "i was only joking, calm down. Whats up with you?" I didnt think gajeel was even paying attention to our conversation but he laughed when gray said this and turned around to us. "You idiots! Today is the first of april! I dont see how natsu hasnt ripped your throat out yet, for saying that." Levy gigled while he said this and juvia hugged gray protectively. While everyone else was talking i rested my head on natsus lap and dozed off. Before falling asleep i noticed that lucy and loke were holding hands while they slept. I fell asleep with my head resting on natsus lap and i could smell only him. This is the perfect way to fall asleep.

Natsus POV
As she laid there asleep on my lap i brushed her soft brown hair out of her face. Even though she looked so peaceful i felt the urge to make her mine, right now. Her scent filled my nostrils and it was so much more intoxicating than ever before. She wouldnt feel just a light kiss, right? Slowly i leaned down and brushed my lips against her cheeks. I couldnt stop myself so i kissed her forehead too, then her nose and her cheeks again. I lifted her hand up and placed it against my lips. As i kissed her hand i noticed both juvia and gajeel looking at me. Juvia winked at me while gajeel just smirked. I held her hand as i fell asleep and it was a pretty amazing feeling.

Gajeels POV
Salamander and that mate of his are way too obvious. Althought he clearly stopped himself from killing a few guys for getting near her i still dont believe they actually waited this long to mate. The only reason it took me and levy so long is because shes not a dragon slayer so only one of us has those instincts. I still cant believe levy allowed me to mark her and make her mine. Even though laxus has the ability to control his feelings he has still been more protective over mira lately. Its a good thing our mates returned our feelings. As much as i hate salamander i dont want him to die of a broken heart. I just hope they keep it quiet when they finally mate so the whole floor doesnt have to hear that. Levy is asleep on my shoulder and although weve already mated her scent still drives me crazy.

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