Chapter 28- december 10th

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Natsus POV
I woke up bright and early. The sun filtered through our curtain and illuminted happy and april. Usually happy would be sleeping on his cat bed but ever since shes gotten pregnant hes been laying on top of her stomach each night. I could see her chest rising and falling from her beaths and happy purred while he slept. My family is so amazing. I slowly got out of bed so i didnt disturb them, and went down stairs. When i got into the kitchen i turned on the tea kettle and started heating it up. Recently, juvia has introduced orange tea to april and i cant get her to stop drinking it. Luckily it is decaffinated. After i put the water on to heat up i brought out a pan and a bowl. Youve got this natsu. Youve done this before. Lisanna has tried giving cooking lessons so i could cook for april but it hasnt helped much. What could i make? I looked through the fridge for something simple and quick. Haha! Eggs! I carefully grabbed a handful of eggs and began cracking them into my bowl. I may have dropped a few shells but i got them out eventually. Once i cracked all the eggs i took my fork and mixed it just how lisanna showed me. Then i put it milk, salt, and pepper. One i had the eggs mixed fully i turned on the stove. When i turned the knob, nothing came out. Hmmm... I looked around before lighting the fire in my hand. I turned the knob slowly as i brought my flame closer to the stove. "Natsu?" As i heard this i jumped and the fire in my hand became ten times bigger. "Ah! - oh" the flame calmed down and it actually worked! The stove was now on! I put some butter in the pan as i spoke, "what are you doing up so early, buddy?" I asked him. He groggily rubbed his eyes before answering, "im hungry!" Quickly he opened the refrigerator door and took out one of the raw mackeral we had in there. He began nibbling on it as he asked me, "so youre trying to cook again?" "What do you mean, trying?? Last time was just fine!" I told him as i poured the eggs into the pan. "Suuure it was," he said sarcastically. I thought back to the last time i tried to make april breakfast.
"How do you even burn coffee??" April asked me. I looked down disappointed. "Aww baby," she hugged me close. "You are so thoughtful," she told me as she burried my head in her breasts. I could get used to this. "I love you baby. Thankyou," she told me as she released me. I looked at her, still sad but with a blush now on my face. "More importantly, why is this ceral salty?!" Happy asked loudly. "Uhg! Shut up, you stupid cat!"
End of flashback
"Dont worry this time i got it!" I told happy confidently. As i let the eggs cook i brought out two mugs and put a tea bag in each of them. While april drank decaf orange tea i prefered the full caffine cinnamon tea that juvia gave to me. I put the teabags in our cups as i poured the hot water over them. I went back to the pan and flipped the eggs just like lisanna taught me. You can do this dude! I told myself. I brought out a plate to out the eggs on just as i noticed april coming into the kitchen. "Good morning honey~" i said as i kissed her cheek. She rubbed her eyes groggily as she answered, "good morning~ what are you doing?" She asked me. I looked at her proudly before answering, "making us food!" She looked at me and then looked at happy who shrugged his shoulder, "i know, right?" Happy said. "Hey!" I yelled at him, "this time is different! Ive been learning! Watch-" i handed her the cup of orange tea and sat her down at the table. She watched me curiously as i finished cooking the eggs and brought them over to the table. I handed her a fork and she looked at happy and then back down at the eggs. "Well... Here goes-" she said as she picked up a piece with her fork, she put it in her mouth and chewed it. She didnt look disgusted! "Actually," she spoke slowly while me and happy waited for her approval. "Its actually really good!" She told me as she smiled brightly. Really? "Really?" Happy asked as he took a piece and shoved it into his mouth, "wow! This is good natsu!" He told me. I grabbed another fork before taking a piece for myself. "Oh my god!" I spoke loudly. "I am so awesome!" I roared happily. "And you said i couldnt do it!" I pointed in happys face. "Alright tell me where lisanna is hiding. I know she cooked this for you!" Happy yelled back at me. We continued arguing for a moment while april kept eating the eggs i made for her. Slwoly she spoke up, "guys... Guys." She got louder each time but we were too busy arguing. "Guys!" She yelled, causing us to look back at her. Her face was filled with worry and she looked almost sick. I ran to her side but slipped on something that i must have spilled on the floor. I leaned down and held her shoulder, "is everything okay? Whats wrong baby?" I asked paniced. "Uh we uh- the babies here!" She finally yelled. "The babys here? The babys here!" I yelled and frantically ran around the house trying to find out what the best way to get her to the infirmary would be. "Idiot! Let me fly her there!" Happy said. "No can do! She cant be flown around while in labor!" I yelled at him. "Guys!" April yelled at us from the kitchen where we left her. We looked at eachother in panic before running back to her. "I dont care what you do! Just get me to the fucking guild!" She screamed. "Yes ma'am!" I quickly picked her up as happy opened the front door for us. I ran down the street as quickly as i could towards the guild hall. "Oh so its time, is it?" "Im so happy for you both!" The citizens called out to us as we ran by but only april answered them with short thankyous. As soon as we got to the guild happy flew in front of us and forcefully pushed open the guilds doors for us, "call porlyusica, right now!" Happy yelled. Everyone looked shocked as i entered the building carrying a panting april. "Oh my! Are you in labor?" Carla asked april. "What does it look like? Yes i am in labor!" April yelled back at her. Quickly wendy ran over, "take her down to the infirmary i can come down to make sure everything is okay while we wait for porlyusica" she told me. Me, april, happy and wendy headed down to the infirmary while we waited. "I need water," april told me. "Oh okay," i quickly ran up the steps and behind the bar, "need something?" Kianna asked me, "yeah! Water!" I replied frantically. I could hear the master speaking to porlyusica on his lacrima, "yes we are positive! Get here immediatly!" He spoke frantically. Just then gray and juvia walked into the hall. "Hey were- whats going on?" Gray asked when he noticed everyones faces. "Well it seems like april is in labor-" lucy told him. "Really!!! I need to see!' Juvia spoke so excitedly. "So then what are you doing up here, natsu?" He asked me. "No time!" I said as kianna handed me a bottle of water, "gotta get back!" I quickly ran down the steps and saw happy being crushed by aprils strong embrace. She released him to get the water bottle but i held it for her as she drank. After she finished drinking the whole bottom wendy asked her, "if the water is helping that much should i go get juvia?" She spoke kindly. "Yeah thatd be great." April answered her. Wendy nodded before running upstairs and returning with juvia and porlyusica.

Aprils POV
As juvia kept a nice flow of water around me i still felt immense pain from my abdomen. Wendy was continuously trying to halt the pain in my lower region while porlyusica actually delivered the babies. "Relax child!" She told me. "How can i relax?" I told her. "It feels like im pushing out a cactus!" I screamed. "I see the head!" Porlyusica told me. Natsus hand was in mine and i sqeezed harder than ever before. "Natsu dragneel!!! You will never touch me again!" I screamed loudly. "You know shes lying," happy whispered in natsus ear. "I heard that cat!" I yelled at him. "Calm down," juvia spoke to me softly. "Itll be over soon," wendy comforted me. "Youre doing just fine child," porlyusica said. "Push!" Prolyusica told me. I beathed deep before pushing with all my might. After a few pushes porlyusica handed a baby to happy. "Theres the boy," she said happily. "Wow," happy said as he looked at the child. Quickly he brought the baby to the sink and rinsed of his skin gently. This continued for another hour until both the children were born. Once they were both washed off happy and porlyusica handed them to me. Happy handed me a tiny baby in a blue blanket who had the most beautiful green eyes and porlyusica handed me a tiny baby in a pink blanket with hazel eyes. Her eyes were green at first glance but they were covered with specs of the same brown as in natsus eyes. Once i was holding them juvia stopped the flow of water and wendy spoke, "ive healed you as best i can. Now you just need rest," she told me. I nodded while natsu answered, "thanks a lot wendy," he said. "So what are their names?" Porlyusica asked me. I looked at natsu who nodded at me. "This beauty," i held up the baby in the pink blanket, "is scarlet rose dragneel." I told them. "And this handsome fellow," i held up the baby im the blue. "Is igneel winter dragneel," as i spoke their faces lit up. "Is the scalet for-" wendy spoke but natsu cut her off, "yeah! Erza and flare." "And the winter is-" juvia was about to ask. "Yes, gray." I told her. After a few moment of us talking porlyusica spoke up, "while this is all very sweet, april needs her rest. So shoo!" She told the others. "Aye," they all said before walking out. "You should be fine by tommorow. Just be careful," porlyusica told me before walking out. Once she left i handed igneel to natsu. As soon as natsu looked down at him i could see tears starting to fall from his eyes. "Igneel.." He said. "Aw baby," i put my arm on his to comfort him, "no its just- im so happy-" he told me. I smiled brightly before also handing him scarlet. He looked at her once before saying, "her eyes-" a tear fell down his cheek. "Yeah, she has a mix of our eyes," i told him. I watched him admiring our children for a moment until i could feel myself drifting off into a deep sleep.

Grays POV
"Wait- after- after me?" I asked juvia, amazed. "Yes. winter, after you," she said. I blushed slightly before answering, "thats actually," "really sweet, i know!" Juvia spoke up. "And the scarlet-" erza asked. "Is for both of you," wendy answered pointing towards flare and erza. Both of the girls were tearing up while being held by their boyfriends. Gray was just standing there, shocked. "Those are such pretty names!" May said cheerfully. "Wow im just so amazed that everyone is already having children!" Lucy commented. Its also odd how all three of you guys got pregnant around the same time." Juvia commented. I noticed erza and mira both turn slightly pink. "Lets not talk about that," laxus said with a cheeky grin on his face. Mira stood up quickly before almost stumbling backwards. Laxus caught her and helped her get her balance. "Why are you in such a rush?" He asked her. "I wanted to get pictures," she said happily as she pulled out her camera. "Oh dear lord," me and laxus both groaned. "I dont see why you need so many pictures, it gets annoying." Gajeel spoke frankly. "Well i think its cute!" Levy said. "So do i!" Juvia agreed. "I understand but i dont see why you need so many," jellal spoke up. "Well im going either way," mira started walking towards the infirmary. "Just dont wake them! They need to rest!" Wendy told them. "Im coming too!" May and flare both followed her.

Miras POV
When we walked in april was asleep while natsu laid in bed next to her. In his hands he held two little bundles of joy. I took a picture as soon as we walked in because i wanted to catch natsu off gaurd. He was singing cheerfully to the babies with a large goofy grin on his face. As soon as i snapped the picture he stopped and looked up. He didnt say anything except for a quiet, "shhh". All three of us stood there and i assume we were thinking the same thing. They are so cute. Natsu was rocking the children back and forth and he looked like the most amazing father. I snapped a few more pictures before we went back upstairs to show everyone.

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